South DaCola

Citizen Advocate, Tim Stenga, gets cut off by the mayor

Tim is fLustrated – me too.

I have always enjoyed Tim’s rants at the beginning of the City Council meetings (FF: 7:50), but it seems he touched a nerve with Mayor Subprime. Tim finally brings up the incident where the mayor summoned him to his office and asked him, “Who are you working for?” Tim told him tonight, and went on a fantastic tirade about the wasteful spending by the city, in which Mike cut him off at 3:45 minutes. Citizens are allowed 5 minutes as long as they are not being threatening or abusive in their testimony, which Tim was not. It was great to see Joe Six-Pack making an impression. (just for the record, I have never met Tim or have spoken with him. I know it is only a matter of time though. In other words, he’s not working for me, but I am fitting him for a South DaCola foot soldier uniform).

Go get em’ tiger!

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