South DaCola

Have water rates doubled in 5 years?

Just imagine your property taxes doubling in that amount of time? As you can see from this chart that will be presented today in the SF City council informational meeting;

If you look at a bill in 2007 of a family of 5 it was about $31 a month it is about $61 a month now. That is about a $360 a year hike in a 5 year period. While there may be many justifications for this like infrastructure upgrades and Lewis in Clark, I say poppycock. Lewis and Clark is mearly a ‘backup’ in case we run out of water down the road. And as for infrastructure upgrades, those should have been done yearly with small percentage increases. This is highway robbery and the increases need to end or at least be reasonable. As you can see the ridiculous increases continue into 2013.

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