I went to the AL‘s website and when you do a search of ‘Washington Pavilion’ the articles skip from 2009 to 2011. Were there no stories in the AL about the Pavilion in 2010? Seems odd.

BTW, still waiting for those 2010 budget numbers . . . or did they disappear to?

Okay folks, we know the 2010 numbers are going to be bad, that’s reality. The economy is in the shitter and the Pavilion has never been in the black, people have gotten used to that. But one wonders if this has more to do with the Mayor trying to sell us the ‘economic impact’ of a new events center? I’m guessing there is a higher power involved this time that has nothing to do with the AL or the Pav Management.

4 Thoughts on “Is the Argue Endorser trying to help the Pavilion whitewash 2010?

  1. If you use the archive search (same bar, different radio button selection) and search for Pavilion you will find the articles you are looking for. If you refine the search to only 2010, you’ll get this result:

    Hope that helps.


  2. l3wis on April 7, 2011 at 9:45 pm said:

    Cory – Thanks. But why doesn’t 2010 show up on a normal Washington Pavilion search?

  3. Good question: Asking third-party vendor, Planet Discover, what might be causing that.


  4. l3wis on April 14, 2011 at 8:29 pm said:

    Maybe the Pavilion called them and told them to delete 2010 🙂

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