Would I have to pay a tax on this? It was once food, but now is a boat. Hmmmm?

This list of tax exemptions will just baffle your mind. We can’t seem to find it in our hearts to lift the tax on food, but boy, advertising and boats need to be tax exempt. Which is kinda odd, because you can use a boat to get food. Megan ‘Patron’ Luther lays it down (and somehow mysteriously avoids mentioning taxing advertising – I’m sure her fine editors at work);

Joy Smolnisky, director of the South Dakota Budget & Policy Project, a nonprofit fiscal policy organization affiliated with South Dakota Voices for Children, urged the legislators to study sales tax exemptions, also known as a tax expenditure report. The exemptions range from coin-operated laundry to lotto tickets, according to a 2009 Department of Revenue study.

“We don’t know when they were put in place, how they were trended over time and if they continue to meet their initial intent,” she said.

South Dakota is one of only seven states that does not conduct a tax expenditure, Smolnisky said.

Imagine that? A Republican controlled state protecting the rich from from taxes. Get outta here! I guess if we can’t kill the poor, we can at least tax them to death.


4 Thoughts on “There should be only ONE tax exemption; FOOD!

  1. rufusx on April 19, 2011 at 10:38 am said:

    Well, you know, it’s because rich people don’t use or depend on any government services – it’s only the poor that do that (SARC!)

  2. Pathloss on April 19, 2011 at 4:19 pm said:

    Minnesota has no tax on food or clothing. Don’t be surprised when there’s a major shopping mall and mega Walmart 10 miles east at Exit #1 on I-90.

  3. I don’t think there should be a tax on clothing, either. I also think it wouldn’t hurt to have a federal luxery tax on items that aren’t necessary to live. There used to be one and I can’t remember what it was called, but it expired sometime around 1959-60. I know for sure it was on any type of jewely(even the dime store stuff) and make-up of all types. I would say it should include recreational items and real fur coats(not that I am against having fur coats). If I could afford one, I would have one. lol

  4. l3wis on April 21, 2011 at 9:14 pm said:

    I emailed Councilor Bob Jamison about luxury taxes once. He raised taxes on cable because he called it a ‘luxury’ and I told him, “I agree. So we should start taxing all luxuries in SF, like luxury homes and vehicles.” He never responded.

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