South DaCola

Councilor Entenman Ethics Hearing today

Councilor Entenman’s hearing will be today at 2 PM (updated) at the old council chambers at City Hall (KELO will be covering it live on there website). It will be a public hearing because Jim waved confidentiality. Which is great, but also allows for a circus act. I have noticed that our local MSM has said nothing in advance of the hearing, or the notice of it, and if I am wrong, please point me in the right direction.

My prediction; Jim will be found to have no conflict of interest. I do think he will be reprimanded though for keeping his name on the liquor license list for as long as he did. If Jim is found to have a conflict of interest, he may resign from the council. I don’t think he realized the magnifying glass he would be put under after becoming a councilor, and I don’t think he likes it.

There is one good thing about Entenman resigning, it is an at large seat and there could be a special election for that appointment. Council chairman Jamison has mentioned to me that there should be a special election when an at large councilor resigns. I agree.

Maybe I will throw my hat in the ring? Of course that is just speculation . . . I mean . . . that Entenman will resign.

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