Well, there is going to be another press conference today to confuse you even more;

SIOUX FALLS, SD – The City of Sioux Falls recently released an economic and development impact study on the proposed Events Center.

Now, several management companies want to respond to questions about the study. So the city is holding a news conference on Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. at the Sioux Falls Convention Center to do just that.

It will include representatives from Global Spectrum and SMG, the City’s Convention Center and Arena management companies, along with the Convention & Visitors Bureau.

Okay, am I the only one that is starting to feel that all of this stuff is beginning to run together? We have the studies, they are available online, we can read them there. This matter is now in the council’s hands, let them deal with it. Thank You.

16 Thoughts on “Not confused enough about the EC studies?

  1. The whole charade is for the KELO cameras, which will then get the exact same anti-Arena footage from BID for tomorrow.

  2. l3wis on May 11, 2011 at 10:57 am said:

    They have to do something simple and mind numbing for $8 and hour.

    BTW, we should create the EC board game. The winner finds a way to get to fail.

  3. Pathloss on May 11, 2011 at 12:09 pm said:

    Basic question: Why has design and contracts occurred before council approval or a public vote?

    I suspect Huether will use Home Rule and overrule everyone. Oh well, once it fails it can house homeless and flood victims. Get it to voters so I know whether to sell my house. I can hardly afford taxes to make Huether a millionaire. An events center puts me over the edge and I must sell before home values decline.

  4. Tom H. on May 11, 2011 at 12:14 pm said:

    Here’s my take on this whole charade:

    IF we have $100M to spend to improve the City, we should use it on something other than an Events Center.

    IF we decide to build an events center anyway, we should build it downtown, where it may actually have a positive impact on the community.

    IF we decide to build it at the Arena anyway, we should try to improve the area from an aesthetics and walkability point of view (a.k.a. don’t pave over parkland).

    IF we decide to build a boxy, suburban-style stadium in a sea of parking lots and pave over ballfields for even more parking, we should probably recall the mayor.

  5. Pathloss on May 11, 2011 at 12:19 pm said:

    Where’s Moses to scare Pharoah by messing up his hair, turning the river brown, and infrastructure collapse? Maybe a marihuana mist into city hall to tone them down and keep them hungry. Oh yea, he was here. Come back and part the Sioux River so we can escape to the promised land of lower taxes. You know, Brandon or Canton.

  6. Charlie on May 11, 2011 at 1:51 pm said:

    My Sham Mike is doing this to rally and re-energize the public to support a new events center at the arena site. If a majority of the public supports it, more than likely the city commissioners will too. I sense a public survey or kelo-land poll in the near future.

  7. Andy Traub got to ask a couple, he’s going to do a column for these guys:


    Best one was why wasn’t the person reponsible for booking events 18 months or more out (TES) asked about whether or not they could expect to land 34 “flat floor” events that we can’t currently book in 2016?

    Fun Fact: We have just under 5000 hotel rooms in Sioux Falls and our current airport capacity is around 1800 people a day. The Pheasant’s Forever one they keep pointing to has 21K attendees that stay for 3 days, and they’ve recently done their annual shows in KC, Omaha & Des Moines. If you’ve been to any of those facilities you know where they are located and what type of visitor experience we are competing with. Even if we land them once, can you picture them wanting to come back? Oh yeah, their show is in February when both the Skyforce and Stampede are playing.

  8. l3wis on May 12, 2011 at 5:06 am said:

    Terri Ellis Schmidt should change her name to Terri Ellis full of Schmidt.

  9. l3wis on May 12, 2011 at 5:19 am said:

    To tell you the truth, after watching the press conference I am even more convinced the smart thing to do is remodel the arena, expand the CC and consider building a REC center / community center DT.

  10. l3wis on May 12, 2011 at 5:20 am said:

    And to expand on that, SMG and Global made a great point during the PC, the Arena makes money, and it fits our needs just fine. As you point out Sy, we don’t have the hotel rooms anyway to facilitate bigger events.

  11. I’ve come full circle on Schmidt, she’s in about as bad a spot as anyone. She knows what’s right in her heart, but her job is on the line and she’s in the same boat as just about everyone else at City Hall: fighting off bouts of Stockholm Syndrome.

  12. I’ve never been a fan, as she’s one of the city’s leading myth-makers of event attendance.

  13. scott on May 12, 2011 at 11:48 am said:

    don’t forget, more people visit the empire mall than visit mount rushmore each year. a new event center will triple that.

  14. The joke used to be that the city employed the counters of the Million Man March for event attendance. After the lies of recent Teabagger events, I think I’ll have to change that to Fox News counters.

  15. Snooki Palin on May 16, 2011 at 2:16 pm said:

    They’re really open about buying snowgates

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