South DaCola

To Snowgate or NOT to Snowgate, that is the question.

Mayor Huether doesn’t want to ‘Pull the Trigger’ yet.

Citywide use of snowgates is unlikely next winter. Officials are in the process of putting together next year’s budget, and it doesn’t appear that more snowgates will be included. Regardless, Mayor Mike Huether said he wants to test the devices again next winter.

“In business, we would test things multiple times before we would pull the trigger,” he said.

In other words They work really well and we need to test (sabotage) them one more year before killing them;

Snowgate proponent Theresa Stehly said she’s happy the issue’s going to be discussed, but she questions the city’s need to continue studying the issue. Simply put, they’re popular with residents.

“I’ve heard rumors that they’re going to keep them going until they can nail the coffin shut,” she said.

C’mon Big ‘T’ can we be a little more positive like the mayor:

Even so, Huether said he knows there’s popular support for the devices. That’s why it’s important to get an accurate cost-benefit analysis.

“It’s one of those balancing things,” he said. “You’re trying to balance the needs of the city, the wants of the public, and trying to balance that with the other parts of government. And that’s what we’re going to try and do.”

Blah, Blah . . . Blah, Blah, Blah (we need money for an events center) Blah, Blah, Blah.



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