South DaCola

A very ‘questionable’ capital plan

The mayor’s capital plan is finally available online (see the full document here).

Here are some parts I cherry picked;

Notice he has set aside almost $8 million for projects voters have REJECTED – TWICE! Looks like he is going to let the council approve these projects and sidestep the voters. Very unwise to thumb the voters. He has also tried to mislead the voters on the Events Center funding;

We all know there isn’t a snowball chance in Hell that the EC is only going to cost $110 million. He also misleads the public with this statement;

I brought this up last week during the City Council meeting, utility and recreation rates being increased is NEW and HIGHER taxes. They are shifting infrastructure costs over to rates and out of the 2nd penny in order to fund the EC. THAT IS A TAX INCREASE. PLAIN AND SIMPLE.

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