As I reported in May, the Hightower Lowdown was telling us about the troubles of Gannett (they own the Argue Endorser)

At Argus Leader Media in Sioux Falls, layoffs included nine full-time and three part-time positions.

I won’t say any names, but you will notice someone is missing from the ED board, and the AL may not be having any ‘Community Conversations’ in the near future.

Okay, this is no laughing matter, I was laid off from a cushy job two years ago, and I have had many friends that have been laid off. So I think I have earned the right to make light of this.

In the future, if the AL is going to layoff people, they should tell readers in advance, especially about reporters they may be laying off, so we can make requests. I’m just saying.

By l3wis

10 thoughts on “Can we make lay-off requests?”
  1. I think it was comparing the cruxifiction to the events center debate that did it.

  2. I don’t like how the Argus takes a side. Isn’t public media facts for readers to develop their own opinion?

  3. I think they should stop feeling the need to write an editorial every day. It makes them fish for issues they don’t have a full understanding of, and offer uninformed policy opinions. I’ve known the actual facts underlying several of their editorials — and almost invariably they have it wrong.

  4. Heck, I don’t even have connections and can tell they don’t know what they are talking about.

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