2 Thoughts on “Democracy Now interview with Bill Moyers

  1. Poly43 on June 10, 2011 at 12:32 pm said:

    Bill Moyers is great writer and journalist. He is way ahead of the curveball. His latest zinger? As always…SPOT ON.

    No society, no human being, can survive without balance, without equilibrium. Nothing in excess, the ancient Greeks said. And Madison, one of the great founders, one of the great framers of our Constitution, built equilibrium into our system. We don’t have equilibrium now. The power of money trumps the power of democracy today, and I’m very worried about it. I said to—and if we don’t address this, if we don’t get a handle on what we were talking about—money in politics—and find a way to thwart it, tame it, we’re in —democracy should be a break on unbridled greed and power, because capitalism, capital, like a fire, can turn from a servant, a good servant, into an evil master. And democracy is the brake on my passions and my appetites and your greed and your wealth. And we have to get that equilibrium back.

  2. rufusx on June 10, 2011 at 8:11 pm said:

    But, the Supreme Court has declared capitalism (in it’s corporate “embodiment”) to be a “person” with a “voice” that can be used as if it were any other persons’ voices – freely – without restriction – as to politics. One $ = one voice = one vote.

    The answer – the ONLY answer – is a constitutional amendment that declares corporate bodies to be 100%NON POLITICAL in nature.

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