Ellis from the Argue Endorser wrote a column today about the water rate finger pointing;

Mayor Mike Huether got a phone call Tuesday. It was Gary Hanson – former mayor and city commissioner, current Public Utilities commissioner.

Hanson was looking for clarification about comments Huether had made the night before.

“We’re in a catch-up mode in so many ways,” Huether said.

Hanson, who served two terms as mayor, heard about the comments that evening and called Huether the next day to find out whether Huether was accusing him of being a leaderless leader of Sioux Falls. Huether assured him he wasn’t pointing the finger at Hanson. Hanson says he takes Huether at his word.

Really? Then why did you use PART of my quote, “Seems were paying for the sins of the past?”

Oh, and it seems Munson wants to be known as the ‘Roads Mayor’

Munson left office after one of the worst winters in recent memory. With rain in January that subsequently froze, it was an especially bad season for roads. In his last few weeks in office, Munson launched what he called the “most aggressive campaign ever” to fix the roads. When Huether took over, he intensified that effort, to much acclaim from the public.

Munson isn’t happy about being a scapegoat for bad roads. If you look at the final capital budget he proposed, there was $209 million budgeted for roads over five-years. Huether’s first capital budget has $150 million over five years

The key word here is ‘final’ that’s because in his other 7 years he squandered the money on stupid crap, and it seems he was trying to make up for lost time.

Back to those water rate increases: They started under Munson. It was his long-term plan to pay for the bonds that financed the city’s stake in the Lewis & Clark Regional Water System. The rate increases also ensure that water users pay for that service, rather than subsidizing the water utility from general tax dollars.

“When I was there, we were in danger of looking at a subsidy from the general fund, and I don’t think that’s the way it should be,” Munson said.

Huether has accepted that philosophy as well. The city borrowed $70 million for Lewis & Clark, pledging water rates to pay off the debt. You can’t change that now, he said, so the rates must go up.

Poppycock. You can do whatever you want, Munson says in his opinion it shouldn’t be subsidized, but there is no state or federal law preventing a city from doing that. Tax money is tax money. I don’t think you are ‘subsidizing’ anything if you are spending that money on infrastructure. Now streets to nowhere and rock and wood thingies, that is up for debate.



By l3wis

16 thoughts on “Finger pointing or birds of a feather?”
  1. Don’t forget granite steps along black sewage water shore. Hansen was a good mayor. Munson is by far the worst mayor in SF history. We’ll always remember the $100K eye candy assistant, Phillips to Nowhere, 10 baseball fields in Iowa, and the Washington Bazillion. These unprofitable ongoing dysfunctional follies are why we can’t afford an Events Center.

  2. I didn’t like everything Gary did, but he certainly isn’t to blame for water rates going up. We have to foot the bill for L & C, because Munson convinced everyone we needed it and the Feds were going to pay for it. We also need to free up the 2nd penny for the Events Center. This has nothing to do with Hanson.

  3. Huether assured him he wasn’t pointing the finger at Hanson. Hanson says he takes Huether at his word.

    I think former mayor Hanson should take the time to watch last monday nights meeting. It is very clear who huethers mouthpiece is blaming. Did you not come away with the same conclusion l3wis after your meeting with the water gurus? Gary Hanson and his years are clearly the reason double digit water rate increases are needed and bills doubled in 5 years, at least according to this administration.

    I myself hope Hanson takes a shot at being our next mayor. Not perfect, (who is?) Gary tackled the single most blood-sucking issue of his time. It did not leave him exactly the most popular mayor in the city employees eye, but he did the right thing. He cut the head off the monster known as “spiked” pension plans, at least for new hires, and put a cap on cashing in unused sick leave hours.

    I really do believe in these tough times Gary could win if he ran on that accomplishment alone.

  4. I don’t want to see Gary Hanson run again. He’s about 62 now. The guy is looking at 70 not to far down the road.

  5. I would like to see someone younger more intune with the growth of SF take a shot at being Mayor.

    Last time I campaigned for Staggers. I’ve campaigned for Hanson for PUC and he is a bland dude.

  6. Good points Poly. Getting control of city employee wealthfare is urgent. Maybe a ‘Repeal Home Rule’ platform so the council gets balanced power.

    Mike, 62 is the new 40. If Hansen has no health issues, he’s a contender. My opinion, a woman for mayor. Women are more compassionate and less greedy. It’s time to return to citizen friendly government of, by, and for the people.

  7. I saw her driving around in circles DT the other day in her 87′ convertible TA. I was on my bike. I almost waved her down at a stoplight and asked her if she was lost.

  8. Well, if she passed the same spot more than 3 times she could be cited for “driving without a destination”. I believe that’s a city ordinance she helped craft a few years ago because those damned kids were ruining downtown.

  9. fun reading. i am not planning on running for mayor again but my health is not the question. i was skydiving saturday and do pushups, situps, running, etc… regularly. i do get frustrated like everyone else and came close to running 2 years ago. it’s all about family and quality of life. as mayor i worked 24/7 for 8 years. ‘bland’? yes, just do the job right. no need to brag about it.

  10. CLARIFICATION: I have checked the IP and email address of ‘Gary’ and from all accounts, this is Hanson commenting.

    That being said, I want you to know, that when I said, “Sins of the Past.” I was blaming current directors for saying that about you to justify the rate increases, which I think is bullshit. I also said that it was ‘Unfair’ Not only unfair to your administration, but to citizens. Mike failed to mention that when he quoted me. Imagine that.

  11. I had expected Hanson to pull the pin with a run for Governor in 2010 and I also expected to see him run for Congress.

    I’d like to see him take a shot at Congress in 2014. Gary has earned the chance to mix it up at a higher level.

  12. “I don’t want to see Gary Hanson run again. He’s about 62 now. The guy is looking at 70 not to far down the road.” – Anonymous Mike

    “I’d like to see him take a shot at Congress in 2014. Gary has earned the chance to mix it up at a higher level.” Mike the Wimp

    I love how your story changes now that Hanson has your number. Wuss move IMO. So is he bland or should he run for congress? Maybe you should STFU for a while….

  13. The article also indicated that City officials are hoping that the federal money will help cover the costs..Money is tight in a City that has uncertain sales tax revenue is an uncertain economy and is operating on a slimmed down budget using significant budget holdbacks implemented by former Mayor Dave Munson..While the sanitary sewer system was being repaired a separate track was also being pursued by City officials. On August 31 the City requested from the Minnehaha County Commission a declaration of disaster that would allow the Governor to declare a disaster and trigger a request for FEMA funds to help pay the Sioux Falls repair bill..Sure it is great for someone else to pay your bills but it should not be the Federal government s responsibility to pay for what is solely a Sioux Falls problem.. 1.4 million while significant is something the City could have handled. The last I understood there were almost 40 million in reserves..Is it any wonder that our Federal Treasury is broke?

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