South DaCola

More on the water rate increases

This is a flyer that will be handed out at today’s informational and council meeting.

Bread for the World chimes in;

2. A proposal to raise water rates.
Increases for sewer rates have already been approved. Now there is a significant rate increase (14% proposed for water).  Since 2006 water rates have already been increased 89%. This new proposal would mean a 115.6% total (cumulative) rate increase since 2006.
For example, a $10 water bill in 2006 would be $21.56 next year for the same amount of water used.
• Presentation at 4:00pm tomorrow (Monday) at the Informational Meeting about why the proposed increases.
• Public input allowed, early in the 7pm city council meeting: tomorrow (Monday) June 6.
• First reading at the 7pm city council meeting: Monday June 13. Public input allowed.
• Second reading (ie, the vote!), at the 7pm city council meeting: Monday June20. Public input allowed.

About the 4:00pm Informational Meetings:
They are located at Carnegie Town Hall, 235 W.10th St., same as the evening meeting of City Council. There are a few free parking spots on 10th St. Otherwise, ride the bus, or pay parking, or ask at the bank next door about their lot.
The public may come but there is no public input at that time. But I hear it is very good to be in the room for these, if you can, because (1) it shows an interest (2) you see not only the presentation, but the questions from the council to the presenters and their answers, (3) you have the same info the council has and you can make up your own mind.

The presentations can be found at this web address:
You find the item of interest in the agenda, click on it, and look on the right side for the pdf of the presentation.

About the 7:00pm City Council meetings:
They are located at Carnegie Town Hall, 235 W.10th St., the Carnegie Building. Parking is free at that time of day, but there is no bus service to get you home from the meeting.

There is time for public input near the beginning of each meeting. Anyone may speak on any topic for a max of 5 minutes. If your topic is something on the agenda, you may be asked to wait til it comes up during the meeting.

It would be really good to have people at any or all of these meetings. But if you cannot come here is
How to contact City Council:
If you cannot come, you could express your opinion to the city council members. (Please use your own words. A forwarded email does not have much impact.)
Here are their emails:,,,,,,,,

You could call them or write to council members at home, or leave messages at their city phone numbers, found here:

Thanks on behalf of so many people who are struggling in this economy.

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