South DaCola

So let me get this straight . . .

. . . the county wants the city to charge sales taxes at the fair then give that revenue to them? Huh?

Commissioners are proposing that the city begin charging sales tax at the fairgrounds and, in return, give them back about $50,000 a year.

Are our local politicians getting dumber by the day? Believe it or not Vernon ‘The Sweet Velvet Hammer’ Brown was the voice of reason;

Councilor Vernon Brown said he’s not opposed to the county’s suggestion but would like to know what kind of economic impact the fairgrounds has on the city. He added that the city already does some in-kind help for the fairgrounds and has improved some of its access roads.

Exactly. If you want $50,000 from us – just ask. I’m not opposed to charging the sales tax, but we shouldn’t be giving it to the county. Like Vernon says, we do plenty with the roads around the fairgrounds.

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