As I have pointed out, several times, I don’t support a new events center, because I really do not think there is a need, BUT if voters approve this, it needs to be built any place besides the Arena site. I have suggested it at Dawley Farm, by the Empire Mall or Downtown, but some people think we need to just start rubberstamping the shit out of the Mayor’s suggested site;

Regrettably, many business leaders made it clear that they will not support building the events center if it is at the Arena site. I hope their opinions were only an attempt to sway the council vote, and they will get on board with this important step forward for our city.

Why? While I think some people within BID have been a little over the top, I commend them for standing up for what they believe in, I especially commend Dave Billion Jr. for putting his name on the line and speaking out.

In particular, I want David Billion to know that the two vehicles we drive, which were purchased from his dealerships, will be the last.

Why support a business that doesn’t want to support our city?

First off, I will never buy an American vehicle ever again, German is the only way to go, so I don’t blame you for not wanting to buy that crap, but to refuse based on the fact that Dave’s opinion is different then yours is just childish. Dave did something that the old skool uptight rich farts in this town would never do, he questioned the status quo for the betterment of the community, and he put his name on the line to do it. Saying that David doesn’t support this city is like saying the Hamburglar only eats chicken McNuggets. Grow a brain. We need more David Billions in this town and less Dave Kempers.

By l3wis

22 thoughts on “Sorry, the Arena location is a bad site”
  1. Think about it, how many of your family businesses are in your parent’s neighborhood? I think that is what makes DT different then other hoods in SF. They don’t have that crap.

  2. I agree with what you are saying. Too many are afraid to speak out or maybe it’s that they don’t have an opinion because they’ve been drinking the Kool-aid for so long and becoming sheep. I keep coming back to the thinking…if a city’s downtown is successful and thriving the rest of the city will be also…build things on the outskirts where visitors just need to stop and not come into the town hurts business and the people.

  3. Seriously! I’m sick of all the old fart money in this town afraid to make waves. Dave’s butt might hurt a little after his council visit, but I doubt it hurt his Corsica sales.

  4. Sorry Daizi, but I don’t believe there’s anybody attempting to intimidate people from stating their opinion about this money pit.

  5. I think business leaders like Dave realize Sioux Falls government is not democracy. EC design and contracts was decided before there was a location and still no vote. Without competitive bid process, city government is like the mafia. Huether will be a millionaire on kickbacks from excessive EC contracts.

    I bought a Hyundai Sonata in Las Vegas for 1/3 less than here. Beautiful trip driving it home through the rockies. For fuel economy and options, the Sonata works for me. Dave is going big scale at his Hyundai place. You get strange looks with combat vet plates on a Korean car.

  6. Hyundai’s are actually very, very, very good cars for value. My brother had a hatchback back in the late 80’s, that car could take abuse. His ex-wife burned out the clutch on Seattle’s hills and my brother being a cheap ass like myself and kinda a wrench head decided to replace the clutch himself. It took him about 10 hours and I have never heard so much cussing in my life.

  7. Would have to agree with Scott, there has been a lot of grandstanding, but not a lot of action. The EC will fail on first shot to the voters, I have no doubt.

  8. I have always said that the best location for the EC if approved by the citizens is the current location of a powerful and pretentious private golf course just North of Louise and 26th street. First, the required infrastructure is already present such as hotels, restaurants, and shopping. Just think about the added tax revenue. Second, Sioux Falls will finally get a much needed East/West thoroughfare. And third, it is located where easy access is gained from all directions, especially when 26th Street is continued, and can have dedicated ramp access right off I29.

    Then they will have to call the EC the “Minnehaha Events Center”.

  9. Scooter – that is the BEST location idea I have heard.

    The only (regular/real/non-city employee) people I know who have expressed Pro-Arena sentiment really have been more Anywhere-But-Down-Town.

  10. why isn’t hot harley nights at the arena? it would only make sense, because there is more parking, and people from out of town hate driving through sioux falls. am i right?

  11. This was submitted to Argus letters to the editor. Odds they’ll print it?


    Raised arm salute Huether or he’ll load us on trains headed toward foul smelling smokestacks. Events center design and contracts were awarded before there was a location and (still) no vote. If it’s not competitive bid process, then it must be mafia fashioned corruption. Court cases prove the city charter is not democratic or constitutional. There’s no due process. The mayor has become an ordinances styled dictator. Business leaders like Dave Billion are leaders because they see a problem. Citizen groupies and councilor puppets should review their stance. Why do we have troops in the middle east when there’s no democracy right here in river city?

  12. “why isn’t hot harley nights at the arena?” That’s a good one considering Entenman organizes that event. You should email him and ask him. Would love to hear that response.

  13. Ribfest is pretty popular, and they put that dumb festival in the Arena Parking lot.

  14. Hats off to Dave Billion for having the courage to state what he thinks. There are too many people in SF that like to follow the herd.

  15. Here’s the deal, yes Billion owns a lot of property all over town, including some buildings downtown.

    But he’s also one of the more generous corporate citizens we have. Look at about any sponsorships for things like Make a Wish or United Way and you always see Billions name..usually in the upper tier categories.

    He also takes his profits and re-invests in his community. That’s different from somone like Hammons who owns the Sheraton. Sure he dumped a pile of money here when he built and renovated his hotel, but since then his profits have left town to fund his investments in other places.

    Not saying we make Billion a saint or anything, but L3wis is correct; we need more people like him.

    It’s also a statement to how lame the Mayor’s plan is within the ranks of the business community when you see the Chamber come out nuetral on location, especially when you consider that the Chamber Chair is Huether guy through and through.

    And once again, the Country Club will not be a roadway or redeveloped. The City just paid them a nice price on getting their land for the Skunk Creek dam and to raise the dykes. No way they turn around and try to buy or condemn the whole place now since we just spent a bunch of taxpayer funds out there. That makes about as much sense as paving over a ball diamond we just upgraded…oh wait

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