Sioux Falls Parks and Rec did a survey (FF to 12:00);

The survey was mailed to 6,000 residents across the city, and it had a 15.7 percent response rate.

According to MLL who conducted the survey, 15.7% (925 respondents) is very high which makes this survey very accurate (a 3% error rate).

While the city and even our very own Argue Endorser will have you believe the percentages, that citizens want an indoor pool, it’s the ratio’s that matter;

And though voters have turned down both a rec center and an indoor pool, the respondents who participated in the survey said both items are areas of need. Sixty percent want an indoor aquatics center, while 57 percent wanted a rec center.

Ignore the percentages for a moment and look at the ratios;

The left number indicates those who WANT something to be taxpayer subsidized, the right number indicates those that feel it should be paid for thru user fees, which is pretty revealing. In other words 1 in 7 people are OKAY with an indoor pool being taxpayer subsidized. The other 7 want it paid for thru user fees, much like our public golf courses. But isn’t that what we already have in the private sector right now? Of course, that is why the city DOES NOT need to build an indoor pool. Citizens are already paying user fees at private indoor pools, and it seems they don’t have a problem with that. Heck, if you really want to use the survey further, I found it interesting that more people support taxpayer subsidized theater over indoor swimming, in fact, taxpayer subsidized art kicked indoor swimming’s ass. (concerts, festivals, arts and crafts). So why isn’t the city council and mayor saying we need a public arts center? Good Question.

10 Thoughts on “Survey Says: Taxpayers would prefer to subsidize the arts over indoor swimming

  1. l3wis on June 1, 2011 at 4:34 am said:

    I want to give a BIG Hat Tip to Cheryl Rath for pointing the ratio’s out to me. Even though the person from MLL did a pretty good job of it also during his presentation.

  2. Johnny Roastbeef on June 1, 2011 at 8:35 am said:

    Not sure I’m understanding this.

    “Citizens are already paying user fees at private indoor pools, and it seems they don’t have a problem with that.”

    Then why do 51% say it’s a need? Doesn’t that 51% represent people that have a problem with the current system? If they were fine with the status quo why would they say it’s a need? It must represent people that either don’t like, or don’t use what we already have in the private sector right now and want more. Right?

  3. Pathloss on June 1, 2011 at 8:56 am said:

    I’ve learned not to trust corrupt city government. Maybe MLL conducted the survey but the city mailed it to employees and the mayor’s listen and brainwashed cult. Strange that Huether didn’t work in a tennis center.
    Look for a $500K study, design, and contractors commitment but forget about a public vote.

  4. Pathloss on June 1, 2011 at 9:02 am said:

    Comments like mine are how innocent Vets get gunned down with 50 shots from SFPD.

  5. l3wis on June 1, 2011 at 10:27 am said:

    JR – As I understand it the ratio comes from the 51%. In other words, 1 in 7 of that 51% group think we should subsidize a public indoor pool. While it would be nice to see a public indoor pool be self-sufficient, we both know that the way the city operates it’s current Parks and Rec facilities, that just isn’t possible.

  6. Johnny Roastbeef on June 1, 2011 at 10:29 am said:

    Thanks l3wis. I get it now.

  7. Angry Guy on June 1, 2011 at 11:42 am said:

    Plaintiff Guy, again with your insistence that PD killed an innocent person. He fired his weapon at police officers. Are you fucking stupid? Get over it. So fucking what if he was a vet. He was mentally ill, as you can probably relate to, and needed help. The only way your comment will “get gunned down with 50 shots from SFPD” is if you are muttering it under your breath like a similar crazy person while you are firing a handgun at the police.

    Idiot. Seriously.. you are a idiotic broken record and you make me a little sad. Happy Memorial Day, BTW.

  8. Poly43 on June 1, 2011 at 12:27 pm said:

    l3wis. Is there a problem with your site lately? This morning Internet Explorer could not open your site. Same thing a few days ago. Not my netbook or connection. All the other sites I go to open just fine.

  9. l3wis on June 1, 2011 at 12:31 pm said:

    I have problems now and then.

  10. Usually, one refresh and I’m back in after such a problem.

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