No shit it would looke better downtown. Anything would compared to putting this thing up a gnats ass in an industrial park.
I think that rendering may be downtown? They included a swarm of circling turkey vultures!
I was going to have one of the birds saying, “Let’s go DT where all the action is.”
I don’t see any parking????
Nor a freeway exit anywhere in sight!!
Heck – there’s not even a street within walking distance.
Don’t you see all the white cars in the parking lot to your left? I told the council the smartest thing to do if to build a parking ramp attached to the EC. It may cost more, but with parking fees, it will pay for itself. In the summer people won’t care about walking a mile to the EC, but when it is 0 degrees in January, they will pay $5 to park in a covered garage, walk 100 feet to an elevator and be in the building within minutes. I can’t believe a parking ramp is not being proposed. Stupidity.
In the larger pictures – there are triangle patches (and I mean patches) of grass with one tree planted in them. I’ll bet the run-off into the residential areas isn’t even on the radar screen. Where the heck is Dean Karsky in this deal? This is his district and he hasn’t had one meeting to allow this district to listen or allow them to voice their opinion. Pathetic.
Well, Karsky was picked by the council (Mayor) to fill the seat of Litz. Wonder how he will fare in the next actual election?
Ha ha, “good folks”.
That wasn’t photoshopped
No shit it would looke better downtown. Anything would compared to putting this thing up a gnats ass in an industrial park.
I think that rendering may be downtown? They included a swarm of circling turkey vultures!
I was going to have one of the birds saying, “Let’s go DT where all the action is.”
I don’t see any parking????
Nor a freeway exit anywhere in sight!!
Heck – there’s not even a street within walking distance.
Don’t you see all the white cars in the parking lot to your left? I told the council the smartest thing to do if to build a parking ramp attached to the EC. It may cost more, but with parking fees, it will pay for itself. In the summer people won’t care about walking a mile to the EC, but when it is 0 degrees in January, they will pay $5 to park in a covered garage, walk 100 feet to an elevator and be in the building within minutes. I can’t believe a parking ramp is not being proposed. Stupidity.
In the larger pictures – there are triangle patches (and I mean patches) of grass with one tree planted in them. I’ll bet the run-off into the residential areas isn’t even on the radar screen. Where the heck is Dean Karsky in this deal? This is his district and he hasn’t had one meeting to allow this district to listen or allow them to voice their opinion. Pathetic.
Well, Karsky was picked by the council (Mayor) to fill the seat of Litz. Wonder how he will fare in the next actual election?