South DaCola

Decorum? Tell Abe Lincoln.

I was asked to remove my hat tonight while addressing the city council by city councilor Rolfing because of ‘decorum’

– politeness, manners, dignity –

Didn’t know wearing a hat offended anyone? But apparently Mr. Rolfing thought so. I removed my hat and quoted my favorite founding father in reference to independence day:

“Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security”

Well, I kinda said that. I wonder if the French asked Franklin to remove his coon skin cap while negoitating, or if Abe Lincoln was asked to remove his hat, because of ‘Decorum’. I think Mr. Rolfing has a bullshit view of what political ‘decorum’ entails. I suggest he does his research. He forgets that ‘I’ elected him, and ‘I’ pay his wages, not the other way around. Now if he was wearing a hat, maybe it would be ‘decorum’ for me to ask him to remove ‘his’ hat, but not the other way around. But to tell you the truth, I don’t give a shit, let’s move on with things that are important to city government, prudence and honesty, not hats. I also ranted about indoor pools, parking ramps and employee listings. I must warn you, I had a beer and a wine at Parkers and a fantastic piece of fish (that tasted like a porkchop) before my onslaught. But hey, I’m not getting paid to toot my horn, so lubrication is good. Right?

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