I spoke at the city council meeting last night during public testimony (after removing my hat of course) about how this file is a piece of shit and it should be fixed. I told the mayor that I wasn’t blaming him for it’s current format, but the past administration, but it was his duty to fix it in the name of transparency. I did see him make a note about it when I was talking, so we will see.

I also brought up that we should build a parking ramp next to a new events center instead of building flat surface parking in the middle of nowhere. You could charge for ramp parking and it could pay for itself in a few years. I also went to bat for an indoor pool in conjunction with the school district. Then I put my hat back on and sat down.

6 Thoughts on “Please correct the POS city employee salary listing

  1. Poly43 on July 6, 2011 at 6:54 am said:

    The Argus used to list city salaries in the classified section in font small enough to fit all 1400 to 1500 employees in about a half page. Same as when the Argus listed them, it is completely out of any order that would allow citizens to get a handle on the size of the bureaucracy known as city government. Listing city salaries to the public comes from the director of Human Resources. I’ve asked Jennifer Holsen WHY they are listed the way they are since this clusterf#@& started during her time as director. As per usual on her site, NO REPLY to that one, and instead of asking me to remove my hat, I should just get a life.

    You’ll never see that 27 page POS listed any other way that it currently is, regardless of what honest mike was scribbling on his notepad. The reasons are too obvious.

  2. I went to this link, and now I see why there are so many high priced homes in Sioux Falls! I guess if you want the big bucks (I have no problem with fire and police salaries), you should be a city librarian, or human resources manager, etc. Very interesting. But how hard would it be to click a button on the computer to organize this alphabetically division wise or employee name wise or salary wise? Maybe the high priced tech manager could figure this out?!

  3. l3wis on July 6, 2011 at 12:31 pm said:

    Actually, I just got this email from the Mayor:


    I thought your comments on the name and salary listings of city government employees had some merit. I will work with the HR team to find out what our options are and also next steps. I will stay in touch.

    Thanks for your interest. Mike

  4. Poly43 on July 6, 2011 at 6:05 pm said:


    Where in the meeting, minute wise, were you asked to remove your hat? I would like to watch that segment. I will give honest mike credit for one thing. I do think he would like to trim some salary fat. But I fear he’s gonna mess with the grunts instead of where it should be. MIDDLE MANAGEMENT. This local government is layered in to many levels of it.

  5. l3wis on July 6, 2011 at 9:01 pm said:

    if you start at 7:00 it will be soon after that. I was laughing.

  6. Nice job

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