South DaCola

The Mayor and I agree on something

I do agree with Mayor Huether and the Build it Now group, a special election should be held in November of this year. First off, the cost of a special election is a spit in the bucket compared to what we have spent so far. I also think a special election brings out more educated voters, this is important.

Do I think it will pass in November? Sure, in fact I think it has a better chance of passing then in 2012. I used to believe that we should essentially FORCE everyone who was legally able to vote, to vote. I don’t think that so much anymore. GW Bush’s re-election (election) was proof of that. I think a special election in November, this year, will draw out the voters who have researched this topic. Opponents and proponents. It will be a battle royal like we have never seen before. There will be LEADERS on both sides educating the voters. I don’t support a new EC because I don’t believe there is a need. I also disapprove of the funding source (bonds) and I especially disagree with the last funding option of a (3rd penny – the most idiotic and unfair taxation idea so far). I still think that businesses and corporation in SF need to pony up, they benefit the most from economic impact, Joe-Sixpack paying into the 2nd penny kitty doesn’t benefit much from his contribution. I have suggested corporate entertainment taxes and advertising taxes. I might even support a 50/50 approach. 50% Bonds / 50% entertainment and advertising taxes.


Build it Downtown, The Staggers Brigade, Elderly fixed income and people like me who thinks it is not really needed.


I have been confused by this. Besides the Mayor and his buddies and a handful of business owners and the hospitals, I’m not sure. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure they exist, they are just very, very quiet.

Personally I think the vote would be very close if held this year, others say it could be a blowout either way. Doesn’t matter, what is really important is that we vote on this ASAP while the debate is fresh and on the minds of concerned voters.

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