My question is if the $115 million is written in stone? The special election will cost us $45,000, but well worth the pricetag.

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “The proposed ballot language for the Events Center”

    Whether the city of Sioux Falls should build a multipurpose Events Center and associated site improvements (the “project”) at a project cost not to exceed one-hundred-fifteen million dollars. ($115,000,000.00).

    This is the writing that will be served up to the public? No way can the city build a 12,000 seat Center AND do associated improvements, (parking, street upgrades, and utility upgrades.)

    As it is written, it is simply a lie.

  2. “There will be no new taxes, no increase in property taxes, and no increase in sales tax rates authorized by the current City Council to pay for this Project.”

    The operative word here is CURRENT!! Meaning that the current Council will not authorize an increase in taxes, BUT future Councils may…

    Remember, the life of this bond will be for 22 years!! During that time period there will be many changeovers in the both the make-up of the Council and in the Mayor’s office….

    We only need to look to the history of the second penny sales tax to understand how far-a-field we can get from its original intention…ROADS!!!!

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