South DaCola

Understanding Anders Breivik

Listen to this NPR interview for the lastest. (Click on: Norway Attacks)

From the SD Peace and Justice Center:

As most of you probably know, on Friday there was a bombing and mass shooting in Norway; an attack that left 76 dead.  Anders Behring Breivik, a self-proclaimed “leader of the National and pan-European Patriotic Resistance Movement” and opponent of Muslim immigration and “cultural Marxism/multiculturalism”, claims responsibility for the attacks and has been charged with two acts of terror.  Many in the media are already describing Mr. Breivik as a “right-wing monster” and it is easy to understand why: the crimes were horrific, and we have difficulty comprehending how a person like you or me could do such a thing.  And by taking personhood away from Mr. Breivik, we can treat his crimes like acts of nature–events that others could not have impacted and, therefore, can claim no responsibility for.  But the truth is that “monsters” do not exist, and that Mr. Breivik is a person.  It is important to understand how a person was able to commit this crime, what could have been done to prevent the act, and what should be done, both overseas and here in the USA, to stop others from killing again.  In this newsletter, I have linked to many articles that give background on Mr. Breivik, suggest possible influences on him, and show the dangers of viewing others as objects of our possible disdain (murderers, Marxists, capitalists, terrorists, illegal immigrants, Republicans, etc.) before we see them as persons.



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