Hey, it has pickles, tomatoes and onions on it? Aren’t those veggies good for you?

(H/T – CM) The Consumerist hits the nail on the head;

While healthy eating may save you money in the long run on health care costs and extra-large sweatpants expenses, meeting the federal government’s new nutritional guidelines would require the average American family to spend more on food. In theory, it’s possible to eat nutritiously for cheap, but that’s not how things are playing out in real Americans’ diets. Studying adults in Washington state, researchers found that consuming the government’s recommended amount of just one nutrient—potassium—cost consumers an extra $380 per person, or $1520 per year for a family of four.

Can you say Dollar Menu? I’m loving it!

By l3wis

5 thoughts on “Are obesity rates high in SD because we eat cheap crap? Yup.”
  1. especially in the back of a cab at 2AM.
    I love that brown flavor that makes a McDouble so special…

  2. I’d probably say the same about a lot of the meat products sold at McDonalds. But what isn’t to like about processed pork pressed into the shape of some ribs which is then bathed in some mystery preservative bbq-esque sauce?

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