7 Thoughts on “Cool Local T-Shirt designer

  1. hosenpheffer on August 3, 2011 at 7:18 am said:

    just ran film this morning.

  2. Costner on August 3, 2011 at 8:39 am said:

    Just what the world needs… another t-shirt ‘designer’.

    I know I’ll offend the hipster side of l3wis, but I don’t see anything to brag about on her site. She could quite possibly be the coolest person in her zip code and could be very talented in terms of designing posters etc, however as far as the shirts she uses a spreadshirt site (think CafePress) so it isn’t like she is designing the clothing… merely the image printed on it.

    Some of the designs are ok, others are merely random, but other than the well designed Label logo I don’t see a whole lot that looks like it took more than a few minutes to put together. And printing the artwork your five year old created? Who couldn’t do that?

    What I find ironic is that half her designs include some variation of Label and/or the logo and yet she states “Label is about being your own person.” Yea right… just like wearing an Abercrombie sweatshirt with flip flops makes a person unique or how black nail polish suggests someone is creative and deep.

    Sorry but if you want to be your own person then you design your own stuff (which anyone can do via one of those websites). You don’t order creativity from someone else who can mass produce it at a whim… especially when they want $22 and change for a cheap t-shirt. What is this… fucking Express at the Empire Mall?

    Yea I said it.

  3. Cobra Commander on August 3, 2011 at 9:55 am said:

    Well put ssssssssir…just like the sssilly Joes putting flags on all their uniforms….your ssssstill a follower

  4. Well, Costner, I am assuming she is getting her stuff screenprinted by a local printer and also am assuming she sold a bunch of her shirts the other night at the show

    “just ran film this morning.”

    Would agree, I don’t like all of her stuff but for her age, she has a lot of room to grow, and I can see some talent there, and I would rather buy a t-shirt from a local artist then from something printed in a sweatshop in China. As I have come to believe over the last couple of years, ‘Everything’ is local. You can make a difference locally, where it is hard regionally or nationally. Why not support our local artists instead? I may be a negative Nancy about a lot of stuff, but I will support local over corporate/national any day.

  5. anominous on August 3, 2011 at 12:40 pm said:

    It don’t mean shit if it don’t got robin’s egg blue and brown on it. Well done.

  6. Costner on August 3, 2011 at 1:17 pm said:

    I’m all about supporting local artists DL. I’ve got some stuff from local people in my house. I even have a few Paul Schiller prints (Zing!).

  7. hossenpheffer on August 3, 2011 at 2:19 pm said:

    fun designs. as a fellow tshirt designer and seller i hope she does well. my only complaint was her art was not vector.
    now time for the shameless plug:

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