South DaCola

Even after budget cuts, the SF School District has money for a non-event

I received this email last night. They questioned whether the event was a worthy expenditure after the budget squeeze this past year;

The school district “mandates” that all district employees use “property taxpayer” time (they are paid for their time) to drive to the Arena for a “General Session – For All District Staff, Wednesday, August 17, Sioux Falls Arena, 7:30-7:55 am – Refreshments and Open Seating, 7:55-9:30 am Program”

The program is usually Pam Homan giving staff the same annual pep rally and bringing in a pep rally national speaker.

Refreshments are muffins and juice, staff will also get their annual district t-shirts (which they can wear on Fridays throughout the school year)

All I can think of is all those pay cuts from last Spring.

Refreshments: $_________

Salary time lost attending a pep rally not working: $_____

T-shirts: $_____

Cost to rent Arena: $______

Cost of out of district “speaker”: $_________

Misc. district costs to prepare this questionable event that most staff dislikes :$___________

I’m wondering if anyone else has knowledge or comments on this event?


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