Betsy Homan is not the daughter of SF Super Pam Homan when she is punched in at her job at STI.

As South DaCola reported (due to a tip from a reader) there seems to be some questionable nepotism going on in the SF School District. Well, Stormland to the rescue;

SIOUX FALLS, SD – Superintendent Pam Homan is facing new questions about whether she’s following district policy after her daughter was hired to work at Southeast Technical Institute.

According to the Nepotism policy, no one can be hired that would be supervised by an immediate family member. Further, no member of the Superintendent’s immediate family can be hired in any continuing capacity by the district.

Seems pretty cut and dry to me. Nepotism.

Alberty says it is not a violation of policy because while Southeast Tech is governed by the Sioux Falls School Board, which approves hires, he says it operates essentially as a separate entity and has a separate nepotism policy, which gives Southeast Tech’s president employee authority.

According to the organizational chart for Southeast Tech, Holcomb reports to Homan, who reports to the school board.

Once again. Pretty cut and dry. Nepotism.

When we asked Homan to comment for this story, we received an email from a staffer saying in this matter, policy speaks for itself.

It sure does. It is nepotism. But will the school board do anything about it? Probably not, that would require them to cut their apron strings from Homan and the district’s attorneys. And once again, Pammy gets away with bending the rules to her benefit.


By l3wis

17 thoughts on “It only took the MSM in StormLand a month to look into this and get a non-answer”
  1. I commented on KELO’s site since most of the commenter there had no clue about nepotism;

    “Were other applicants interviewed for this position that were just as qualified but not from Pam’s loins? This was a new position at STI. Was it created for Pam’s daughter? Like I have said about the SF job market; It is not what you know, it’s who you know.”

  2. If they don’t govern by the SF School District Nepotism Policy it’s irrelevant.

    Does anyone know or have a link to Southeast Tech nepotism policy?

  3. Regardless – it all falls under one umbrella per their organizational chart with our sit-on-your-hands school board at the top, Supt Homan, and then Jeff Holcomb. Really – people think that Jeff had an honest say in whether Betsy was hired or not? Betsy may be a good hire for this position, but her mother gave up the right for anyone in her family wo work under this umbrella when she became Supt. Wake up school board – you look like a bunch of fools.

  4. Alberty did look kinda foolish. I think Winters did a great job of disproving his excuses. Holcomb is Betsy’s boss, well who is Holcomb’s boss. Like she had no hand in it. Give me a break. There is all kinds of places Betsy could have gotten a job at in SF. Countless colleges and schools. This is nepotism, plain and simple.

  5. Dave likes to hang out at hardees on E. 10th St on Saturday mornings if anyone would like to stop by and chat with him.

  6. It has a non-answer because our school board does nothing. In fact, they have said their role is to provide leadership on policies. Well – WTH does this fall under? I would say policies wouldn’t you?

  7. I agree with you Lewis, it is who you know, not what you know. We have a teacher friend who has said that for many years.
    This supports my long held belief, supers are a waste of time and money. Hire a business manager that knows education.

  8. They really ought to cut this place loose to the board of regents or whatever. It is no MNSCU.

  9. Nepotism sucks!!! Pam Homan should never have had her job—-look at how long it took her to move into the Sioux Falls school district.

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