Okay, so the state department of revenue just chooses to ignore a state law for decades (instead of just telling the legislature to fix it) Then all of sudden decides they must enforce it? Then says if you want to skirt the law, you can go thru a complicated application process for something you may do a couple of times a year? Then, the kicker, since they can’t tax people who receive free food (from food banks and churches) they have to tax the food these orgs are giving away? WOW! Talk about having to pay extra for a undercooked shit sandwich;

About 275 organizations statewide that give away food to needy people might be forced to pay a long-unenforced sales tax, prompting some to worry the agencies simply will stop providing food to the poor.

At issue is a handling fee that agencies pay to the organization that supplies them with food.

A state law outlining the taxes has been on the books for decades. But it wasn’t until late last year that an audit discovered the maintenance fees existed and needed to be taxed, said Jan Talley, director of the state’s Business Tax Division.

“We are charged with enforcing the statutes of South Dakota,” she said.

Your charged with enforcing a law that you haven’t enforced for decades? So instead of just getting the powers of be to fix it, you have to be the assmunch instead and enforce it? Seriously?! Pierre is freaking broken, and this is further proof.

But the best part is the Argue Endorser’s online poll today;


I would like to meet these clowns that think it is okay to tax orgs that give food to the needy. I have a sandwich I would like to feed them. And it’s not made of turds.


By l3wis

13 thoughts on “Real Classy South Dakota”
  1. I was in Taco John’s on 41st on Friday, when one of the off duty workers comes in and asks if he can borrow a co-workers cars so he can go back to Faith Temple so he can get more free ice cream. But back to your post, better to tax free food than advertising or farm implement parts I guess.

  2. Here’s my opinion. There is people who abuse the system. Whatever. And I am sure some people handing out free food see it all the time, some may even volunteer to see this. But you know who the real criminals are? The rich who seem to think they should not contribute to the well being of society. You would think we would want a well educated society?

  3. Some that abuse the system? Pull your head out of the sand and look around. Society is full of leeches and that is why we are circling the drain. People need to learn to do for themelves. The worst part is the ‘giveaway’ is 12 gallon containers of ice cream!!! So now I gotta pay for all their brats to get cavities filled too~!

  4. Amazing, no one complains when the banks, GE, oil companies, the very wealthy pay no taxes, and get subsidies, but yet think those who are having the toughest time right now should pay more taxes. Orrin Hatch the family values Mormon said that last week and it appears it is the attitude of some on SF.
    And now you want donated food to be taxed. REALLY??

  5. Helga: “…no one complains when the banks, GE, oil companies, the very wealthy pay no taxes, and get subsidies…’

    Really? No one complains about that? I find that odd since I can’t go more than a few days without someone doing just that (and rightfully so).

    In reality, people complain a LOT more about the very wealthy and GE and oil companies exponentionally more often than they do about the underprivledged not paying enough taxes.

    That said, Daugaard came out and said the legislature needs to act to provide an exemption for this tax, which I’m sure will be granted easily enough. However the reason this is suddenly an issue is due to an audit which discovered the taxes weren’t being paid. Yes it is sad that they are asking for them in the first place, but it is also sad that nobody knew about the law and it went unnoticed for so long.

    Meanwhile, if this is like every other tax on the planet, those who failed to pay it would be slapped with huge penalties and interest for all the years they skipped it…. so imagine how much that would be for some of these organizations. I doubt very much that will ever be the case though since I haven’t heard any opposition from anyone on granting the exemptions. I guess it just depends on when the legislature will act as I don’t expect a special session to be called for this one issue.

  6. “That said, Daugaard came out and said the legislature needs to act to provide an exemption for this tax, which I’m sure will be granted easily enough. However the reason this is suddenly an issue is due to an audit which discovered the taxes weren’t being paid. Yes it is sad that they are asking for them in the first place, but it is also sad that nobody knew about the law and it went unnoticed for so long.”

    And that is the crux of this. If the tax wasn’t being paid for decades (makes you wonder how this wasn’t discovered in other audits) Then why the hub-bub now? The department of revenue could have went to the governor and said, “Listen, you need the legislature to fix this next year and get it off the books. We haven’t been charging this tax for decades, and we are not about to start unless yourself and the legislature think is needed.” End of discussion.

  7. That would have been a closed door discussion which would have probably earned them as much heat as admitting to what really happened. I’d argue it is better to have this out in the open so everyone can understand the issues rather than trying to sweep it under the rug. I’m no department of revenue expert, but I imagine once they were alerted to the issue they are pretty much required to collect the tax, so they had to start the process while looking for a way to get the exemption.

    It is a stupid law that maybe years ago had some reasonable reason behind it, but right now it seems clear they need to just change it and let these groups continue doing what they are doing. Where else am I supposed to get my ice cream? 🙂

  8. Right wingers, to include Snooki, Thune, Doogard, don’t hear them complain. The average person complains but no complaint makes the teabaggers or r’s do anything about the tax breaks banks etc. are getting.
    Go to HyVee and get your ice cream.

  9. I haven’t really seen anyone on the other side of the issue l3wis. Everyone I have heard from thinks this tax is a bad idea, but the department of revenue doesn’t get to personally decide which taxes to collect and which to ignore so they were somewhat stuck.

    When I read that the gov decided to postpone collections until the legislature has time to act, it basically told me that a member of his staff found a procedural trick which allows him to do so. It seemed earlier yesterday he had no idea he could even do that – so in this case someone did their homework and did the right thing.

    So now the only thing is we need the legislature to act… and we all know they always use common sense right?


    Oh shit. We’re screwed.

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