South DaCola

Snowgates get a high approval rating despite not being tested in a majority of SF neighborhoods

Pretty amazing considering most residents have not experienced them in use;

More Sioux Falls residents are in favor of the city equipping its snowplows with snowgates than against it, but a high percentage also are undecided on the issue, according to a new poll.

By a margin of 39 percent to 33 percent, with 28 percent undecided, participants in an Argus Leader/KELO-TV poll this month said the city should use snowgates that prevent plows from heaping snow berms across driveways.

The 28 percent does not surprise me, like I said, most people have not seen them in use. But what I think is amazing is that 39 percent want them. I think the jury is out, and it is pretty clear. One more year of (FAIR) testing (USING PROPER EQUIPMENT AND NOT AN INFERIOR PRODUCT) and we are good to go. If the city council and mayor don’t implement this city wide by next year at this time, expect to see a ballot question on the November 2012 election about snowgates. We are getting them one way or another kids. We won’t let no stinking politicians or crabby newspaper publishers get in our way. Will we?


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