South DaCola

State GOP out of touch? Sure, for almost 30 years.

Just look at this screenshot from a story posted on the Wuss College.

When you have a crackpot like Tornow (above) running your booth, it should be of no surprise it is NOT inviting. This is a guy who ran roughshot over the US Constitution while supposedly practicing law as an assistant city attorney, and sticking it to anyone who questioned his authority (Staggers and Dan Daily come to mind). If I would ever thank Mayor Huether for his accomplishments so far as mayor, firing Tornow sits about #1 on my list. Even his fellow Repugs don’t seem to get it (comment under the article);

Stace Nelson
August 14, 2011 at 11:52 pm | Permalink

Thank you Bill & MC, I am honored.

I would be remiss if I did not point out the super star in the photo. It was my great joy & honor to serve with Rep. Sean Tornow (pictured).
The man has a good morale compass and is fearless.

Tornow either threw away, sat on or ate his moral compass years ago, which brings us to Ellis’ Sunday column;

But (Noem) holding a fundraiser at the Ha has an “elitist” appearance, said my dinner guest. Better to have a public forum at the VFW and a fundraiser later.

Yeah, maybe Noem should have a chili feed on the reservation instead? What SD congressperson doesn’t need a good Lakota Star Quilt to hang on their office wall?

The South Dakota Republican Party has seemed rudderless the past few months.

The past few months?! The only reason these clowns keep getting elected is because of the ‘R’ behind their names. Just ask Bob Litz how it works. He was a nobody as a Democrat, his life changed after becoming a Republican. Trust me, the Democrats are missing a paddle too, because even though they are bound to lose 80% of state elections, they refuse to fight. Throw a couple of punches once in awhile, you might just connect.

Maybe it’s time to focus on policy. Stuff that creates economic benefit.

You mean anti-choice legislation and gun rights don’t create economic benefits? Who knew? I think this clip from Cool Hand Luke says it all:



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