No surprises here;

City officials are asking the Sioux Falls City Council for about $3 million more next year for snow removal and to accommodate higher fuel prices because money allotted for snow removal and street maintenance this year is running out.

And according to Vern, that is no big deal;

If the street department goes over budget, Brown said the money probably would come from the city’s reserves. “We’ve got healthy reserves to take care of those kinds of issues,” he said.

Thank You Vern for settling the debate. We have plenty of money not only to plow our streets, but to plow them properly by using snowgates. So the next time I hear you piss and moan about the expense of snow gates, I will just pull up this quote.

By l3wis

10 thoughts on “Vern ‘The Velvet Hammer’ Brown settles it; We have plenty of money for snowgates!”
  1. There is also plenty of money for a raise for city employees. Wait, when that is mentioned, the city goes back to broke again. what is it? If the City can afford $190,000,000 for an events center, 1/3800th of that amoumt could be spent for a cola which the City documents estimate to be 4.5% for 2012.

  2. I vote for the snowgates. If the city thinks they can afford an EC then snowgates should be in the budget also. But, there is always a but, too bad the gov. Doogard doesn’t have enough money to have school 5 days a week. He can find money for beetles, but screw the kids, they don’t want to learn nuthin’, they don’t need no stinkin’ education, and why would any business want to come to SD except that they can get by with paying 6 bucks an hour, so screw the workers one more time. Just save that rainy day fund for some ol’ oil company that wants to run their crude through the state.

  3. “In Irene-Wakonda, which had already dropped an arts teacher and several aides to cut costs, teachers and students said they’ll make the best of the situation.”

    Dumb, Dumb, Dumb. When the arts are combined with other classes it has proven that students do better in science and math due to being able to creatively solve problems. Who needs the arts?

  4. I agree, music and art classes are always the first to go. Heaven forbid they would dump football.

  5. Every year the city acts like they never knew it could snow here. They should automatically over budget and then if it doesn’t get spent, pat themselves on the back they were under budget.

  6. No where in Mark Cotter’s presentation did he mention that they had to switch back to the de-icing chemicals that they had been using in previous winters.

    Remember, Mike’s big speel last fall about all the money switching to a new de-icing process was going to save the taxpayers……..

    Also, why would you budget for one less storm (4 vs. 5) after we had just come off of a bad winter in 2009-2010.

    Mike came into office talking about how he was going to look for “efficiencies” everywhere…which is all well and good, unless you are talking about South Dakota winters and Common Sense!!!!!!!!!

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