
I had to laugh, there isn’t anything the PAV won’t do to bring in money, including a drag show;

At 8 p.m. Aug. 19, there’s a drag show in the Warhol gallery, available for the regular price of admission to the gallery.

I think this is awesome. If you have never been to a good drag show (and I am not talking about those rinky-dink shows they used to put on a Touchez) they are non-stop entertainment, gutt-hurt (not butt-hurt) laughing entertainment. You would be amazed what duct tape can do. While I think the drag show idea is clever, I am concerned about the continuing trend of the Pavilion to be charging for so-so visual art exhibits;

“I think the people who are coming to Warhol know there’s a charge, and those who don’t still buy tickets,” Merhib said. “People are used to big cities where, in general, there’s a fee to see a show.”

Sorry David Money Bags. One of the selling points of the Pavilion to me was the FREE visual arts center. It’s hard enough exposing people to the arts, especially in this town, but to start charging for exhibits that really are not world class brings that elitist label a little bit closer to home. How many people do you think from lower income neighborhoods are willing to drop $10 on an exhibit they can see for free at the library in a book? What if it was free? I find this new trend at the VAC to be a bit disturbing. What has made the PAV unique is its FREE Visual Arts Center, but it seems now, everything is for sale, even men who lip-sync Whitney Houston songs.

By l3wis

One thought on “Who doe$n’t love a good drag $how?”
  1. Last night the Warhol exhibit was $5 for First Friday and will be on Sept. 2 — the last time you can see the show for half off as the show ends Sept. 11. Hours are 5-8. It’s one way to see the exhibit a bit more reasonable for those that want to.

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