South DaCola

Connecting the dots on the termination of city clerk Debra Owen

What is the connection between councilors Erpenbach, Aguliar, Huether and the HR Department on this topic?

I don’t know, but I do suspect the local media is digging into it after getting their asses booted from a public building by the SFPD (they like to intimidate people at Carnegie).

There is also questions about the special election and the EC vote and questions about if we can move forward on the EC without voter approval? And the legalities of that. Who would have asked those questions as a city employee? Well, the only honest attorney working for our city, ironically our city clerk.

I think Mayor Huether found out quickly his charm could no longer fend off the inquiries of Debra Owen. So he did what King George would do when his wives wouldn’t supply male offspring.

I think John Lee Hooker sang it best, “The pot is on, and it’s cooking.”

I hope the mayor likes Crow.


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