South DaCola

I’m starting to wonder if the SF School District is also hiding the Holy Grail?

Once again, the SF School District denies public information to the public;

The district denied a recent request for a copy of Superintendent Pam Homan’s contract, citing an exception to the state’s open records law that makes “personnel information other than salaries and routine directory information” private.

Yawn. Typical of Homan and her administration. Remember when they shredded all the new school name suggestions from the public for Rosa Parks school? Why? Because I can pretty much guess that Rosa Parks wasn’t one of the recommendations. This is typical of Homan, yet the school district denies she has anything to do with it . . .

Simons said that even if Homan wanted to release her own contract, the law would not allow it, because “in South Dakota, personnel files belong to the employer.”

Who pays Homan’s wage and ’employs’ her?

Novstrup called the Sioux Falls decision “outrageous.”

“They’re saying, ‘We are spending the taxpayers’ money in a way that we don’t want you to know,’ ” he said. “We’re still not to the point where the elected official or the bureaucrat understands that the citizens own the government.”

It’s kinda like your boss handing you a paycheck then you turn around and tell him to do your job.


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