Hell, I will even answer questions standing on my freaking head!

I got some cloudy details about this event from two different people, but since I don’t take notes while drinking malt beverages, these are the only two things I am clear about:

• Mayor Huether will be taking questions from a civic group concerned about the future of Sioux Falls, tomorrow at the Caille Branch library at 2 PM.

• It is open to the public, and they are welcome to ask questions – about the future, that is, not Debra Owen 🙂

I know there is a couple of South DaCola foot soldiers that can fill us in on more deets. Please, the comments area is reserved for you.

2 Thoughts on “Mayor Huether to address civic group Sunday (18th) @ 2 PM

  1. Pathloss on September 19, 2011 at 10:25 am said:

    The civic group must be police officers there to keep the public out.

  2. As I understood it, it was a group of people who are concerned about the future of SF. I can’t remember what they call themselves.

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