South DaCola

Minnehaha County has money problems? Get outta here!

Don’t believe the county has money problems, take a tour of the fairgrounds.

Newsflash! Minnehaha County mismanages money!

Minnehaha County’s deepening financial problems are straining relations with the city of Sioux Falls, which partners with the county on key programs.

The county commission’s decision to cut funding to Metro Communications, the museum system and libraries means the city also could cut funding to those programs, albeit reluctantly.

This is nothing new. I have always thought the county has spent money unwisely. Heck, let’s look at their track record.

• They went and bought a homeless shelter without the support of city money. Do I think the shelter is needed? YES! Do I think the county should be going this alone? NO!

• They also allowed money to be embezzled for years from the SE Fair because of very little oversight.

• They bought an ornate fence for the county administration’s parking lot (yeah, we really needed that).

• They bought a military vehicle for the Sheriff’s department (I guess to capture phone booth VL casino robbers easier).

Heck, I could go ON and ON, and I don’t even follow them that closely.

At least the city is taking a cautionary approach. But one wonders WHO the city IS after reading this quote;

“I am not going to push for more co-op agreements until I’m fully confident we’ve got our own ducks in a row the way I want them,” Huether said.

The way YOU want them? Who died and made you king?


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