South DaCola


This is what a bigot looks like

Public input at last night’s council meeting couldn’t be hotter. Mr. Hartman (sp?) wanted to know why our tax dollars were funding cross-dressing AIDS spreaders at the Pavilion (FF 12:30). Bob Kolbe wants to buy silver dollars out of the city limits, and as usual, Tim Stenga has been ‘Talkin’ to a lot of people’ about zoos and dirt track racin’

ON a side note: I knew the drag show at the Pavilion would be controversial, and after I got off the floor from laughing at Mr. Hartman’s bigoted diatribe and misconceptions about homosexuals, I found a part of me asking the same questions. Why is the Pavilion putting on drag shows? Shouldn’t the Pavilion be exposing the community to the arts? Well believe it or not, I will defend the Pavilion on this one. Drag shows may not be your cup of tea when it comes to the high arts, but it is art, and I commend them for putting on the show.

As for Hartman’s assumptions about AIDs – grow a fucking brain – seriously. My great aunt and uncle died of complications due to AIDS. My uncle contracted the virus after a blood transfusion during heart surgery, and passed it to my aunt, through, I assume, hetersexual sex. He got the virus because this was before they were testing the blood for HIV, we can thank (probably Hartman’s hero) Ronnie Reagan for that. I have said some pretty assanine things in public, but Mr. Hartman, your comments take the cake.

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