So let me get this straight? We can’t build a scrapyard in the former stockyards location, but a gigantic substation is okay? (agenda item)

Have I been living under a gigantic rock, or is this just finally coming to surface? Something doesn’t smell right about this deal, and I’m not talking about the smell coming from JM’s.

I have a small substation (about 50 x 50 feet) adjacent to my backyard. Let me tell you about the constant hissing, buzzing and snapping. I guess I don’t hear it anymore, because I have learned to tune it out, but friends often comment on it. “How can you stand the sound?” It is probably the reason there is a new renter every couple of months in the house next to it 🙂 The worst is when there is a freezing rain, it is like fireworks going off. Imagine this on a larger scale? How would they think a scrapyard would be anymore intrusive then a 15 acre substation? I guess the energy companies really do run the town.

3 Thoughts on “Scrapyards: bad. Electrical substations: Good?

  1. I found this odd as well… although the noise from a substation is only a fraction of what would occur from metal recycler with heavy equipment running and piles of metal behind shifted around. Not to mention the truck traffic in and out and the resulting dust, smoke, and pollution. As an added bonus, this allows them to move the existing substation which removes yet another eyesore from the Falls Park region – so from a tourism and beautification perspective this is a huge improvement.

    I guess in the scope of things a substation is a better choice, but it is a lot like having to decide whether your want your finger or your toe cut off… neither is ideal, but one of them can sort of be hidden if you don’t look real close.

    Plant some trees around the substation and for the most part it will disappear. What will really make the difference is who ends up taking the other 20 acres. If JM wasn’t across the street I can see that land being much more desireable, but the way it is now I don’t see it drawing anything worthwhile.

  2. BTW, I fixed the link to the PDF. Funny how the city clerk is terminated and now all of sudden links to critical blogger sites are broken 🙂

    Oh, Costner, who wouldn’t want to open a nice restaurant across from JM’s?

  3. For F’Sakes, the link is broke again. Just click on the ‘agenda’ then click on ‘TJN’ and open the PDF to the right of the screen.

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