South DaCola

Scrapyards: bad. Electrical substations: Good?

So let me get this straight? We can’t build a scrapyard in the former stockyards location, but a gigantic substation is okay? (agenda item)

Have I been living under a gigantic rock, or is this just finally coming to surface? Something doesn’t smell right about this deal, and I’m not talking about the smell coming from JM’s.

I have a small substation (about 50 x 50 feet) adjacent to my backyard. Let me tell you about the constant hissing, buzzing and snapping. I guess I don’t hear it anymore, because I have learned to tune it out, but friends often comment on it. “How can you stand the sound?” It is probably the reason there is a new renter every couple of months in the house next to it 🙂 The worst is when there is a freezing rain, it is like fireworks going off. Imagine this on a larger scale? How would they think a scrapyard would be anymore intrusive then a 15 acre substation? I guess the energy companies really do run the town.

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