South DaCola

SF City Council meeting turns into a tribute to Owen while Rep. Manny Steele compares a drag show to a KKK rally

Why wasn’t I invited to the drag show?

I wonder if Manny’s son, who is openly gay, likes his father comparing him to the KKK? (Public testimony during the SF City Council meeting). Besides Manny’s rant about drag queens, several people came to speak on behalf of the former city clerk. I did not come, because as Steve Hildebrand said earlier today,

“I will skip the 7 pm meeting because I probably would use the public testimony to air my concerns and say things that I later would regret.”

I would agree. I had my own rant about 4 AM this morning in my locked bathroom. I’m pretty sure if I would have repeated that rant tonight, I would be in jail. It did include one line that I will repeat,

“The city council consists of a bunch of fucking chicken shit hypocrites.”

Theresa Stehly used a biblical verse to drive her point home about Debra Owen;

Luke 8:16-17

“No one lights a lamp and hides it in a clay jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, they put it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light. For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.”

Theresa went on to talk about the darkness that exists in our city government now. How true it is.

The Argue Endorser and Stormland TV have respective stories today.

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