By Mitt Kenga • Stormland Endorser News

We recently asked city councilors to explain their vote in reference to the recent termination of city clerk Debra Owan;


Denny Anderson Jr. Junior, “So they caught Debra picking her nose one time during a council meeting. So f’ing what? Oh, I mean, I can’t talk about the details? Sorry.”

Vernon Touchofgrey, “Debra has been my Joan of Ark, and I hope I have been her Knight’s Templar.”

Craig Jammerson, “I thought we were voting on replacing Bob Litz and got confused.”


Dan Karskye, “You, know, the business I am in, selling insurance, it is kinda based on speculation. So I used an old insurance company standard, tried and true procedure, the Magic 8-Ball.”

Tim Antenman, “I can’t really go into great detail, but this stems from a deal I made with the Hell’s Angels years ago. Sorry Debra, you just can’t break a deal with these guys.”

Marilyn Erpenslopp, “It’s none of your business. But I will tell you this, my decision was cultivated by integrity, honesty, be-jeweled glasses and a jealously of Debra’s long blonde hair.”

Sue Agriculsure, “Okay, so I had Marilyn yelling at me, and Mike yelling at me, and Denny farting on me and after a three hour meeting I was craving the Diner’s hot turkey sandwich, and I had to just get out of there, so I voted yes . . . or did I vote no? Not sure?”

Tex Golfing, “I’m in the same bizzo as Karskye, and would have to agree, we use some tried and true procedures. But I don’t use the Magic 8-Ball, that’s small potatoes, us big wheels like the Ouija Board.”


Mike Heeter, “I can tell you f****** honestly that I did not f*** the chicken on this one. I was there to simply make sure s*** was going down correctly. As for the ‘raised voice’ that many people heard beyond the walls. Not sure who that was, but the police were called in to escort that person away.”

MK, “Weren’t you escorted by the police to your vehicle that night?”

Mike Heeter, “**** ***! You ******* re****! Go **** yourself. Make it a good day.”


2 Thoughts on “SF City Councilors & Mayor explain their vote on the recent termination of the city clerk

  1. Crusader on September 22, 2011 at 5:29 pm said:

    A disgusting and dirty business this firing and hatchet job on Deb Owen. It was a political power play executed in a crude, crass, and oafish manner to remove Owen as the last remaining road block to the total control of the Sioux Falls (Sewer Falls?) City Government.

    The power monger triumvirate of My Man “The Heater” Mike (Mayor), Sue Aguiliar (Council Chair), and Michelle Erpenbarf (Council Vice Chair) gleefully orchestrated this “Ides of March” politically motivated job assassination reminiscent of the murder of Julius Caesar.

    The gang of three remaining council newbies (unlike the instigators Aguilar and Erpenbach) Enteman, Karsky, and Rolfing must have made their considered, informed, and thoughtful decision based on undue influence (brow beating), deception by others (duped), or plain old fashioned ignorance.

    The three experienced and knowledgeable council members, made the correct and wise decision by voting to retain Owen in her position because she was doing an excellent job for the City Council and she was a proponent of an independent council instead of a rubber stamp council subservient to the Mayor.

    The final results of this travesty of justice and fairness is that the City Government of Sioux Falls including the City Council are completely controlled by the triumvirate of power mongers with blood on their hands, the citizens are now ruled by the whims of the triumvirate and not represented by city council members of free will and independence, and a great injustice has been done to a true public servant that just happened to be in the way of their complete and total control of city government.

  2. This was certainly well orchestrated. I am assuming by Mike and Jim. Mike and Jim cut an ‘Events Center’ deal months ago. They cleverly had the two women on the council ax Debra. Ironically Debra always spoke highly of both of them, especially Sue.

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