Looks like I have been trumped again by Pam

First it was her precious horses she could not leave behind.

Then it was rules preventing a couple of sick kids from graduating high school.

Then it was K. Lesnar’s fault an anti-choice ad slipped into an activity guide.

Oh, and who can forget her hiring her daughter to work at SE Tech, ‘Didn’t break any nepotism rules.

Now Pammy is blaming a media source that is not ‘reputable‘ – boy, that has to burn.

Knobe asked whether she’d share the document (contract) with anyone else. “I would have to deem them reputable,” she answered.

Through a spokeswoman, Homan subsequently declined to show it to an Argus Leader reporter.

“You’re not on the list of reputable folks that she was willing to share her personal copy with,” DeeAnn Konrad said.

Yeah, like Knobe is more reputable then the Argus Leader. I about pissed my pants laughing when I read that. When is someone gonna finally put Pam in her place? The school board? That’s laughable. She is the Super of our school district, not Gawd.

By l3wis

15 thoughts on “Super Pam Homan. Elitist Snob?”
  1. I’m to the point now where I wish they would just fire her. She has been far too confrontational and controversial, and she seems to care more about herself than she does the district.

    When is the last time she was quoted talking about the kids rather than herself or some issue she was trying to defend?

    I know they won’t do anything becase the school board is apparently afraid of her, but why is it acceptable for her to make news on a weekly basis?

    I especially like how the Argus is good enough for the district to print all of their legal disclosures and teacher salaries etc, and it is good enough when she wants to be quoted on an issue, but it isn’t good enough to see her contract.

    Sure thing Pam – is it hard to keep your eyes open when you are sucking on such sour grapes?

  2. The ironic point is that the local MSM isn’t reporting Pam’s hi-jinks enough. And for her to come on Knobe’s joke of a show and rant about the Argus . . . wow. That’s a reality show called, “Who sucks more?”

    Maybe she would like to face the music on Rant-A-Bit. I may not have kids in the school district, but I pay property taxes, and I am a firm supporter of supporting public education as an investment in our community, not Pam’s bottom line.

  3. You are a form of media (imo), so I think you should ask her if you’re reputable enough to view the contract. She’s flat wrong when she says it would be illegal for her to share it publicly. The privacy of personnel files belongs to the employee — who is free to disclose anything she chooses. It’s total BS for them to cloak some compensation, which must be public, under the guise of a confidential personnel file.

  4. Just like last week’s fiasco, these morons don’t understand that they are creating a bigger story with all of this secrecy. The actions of the city council would have been almost immediately forgotten if they hadn’t played the secrecy card (and refrained from having the cops show up), and Homan would never face these questions if she had just said ok to have them released the day she was hired. When she finally does release them (and that day will come) every word will be critiqued and analyzed, which would not have happened if they had originally been a public record.

  5. You mean something like this?

    MSM: Why was Debra terminated?

    Council: Because . . . .

    MSM: Can we see your contract Pam?

    Homan: Sure. Here it is.

    Wow. See how simple that was?

  6. I think she’s probably very embarrassed to put her fat contract out there following the contract the SF Teachers just got last year.

  7. Someone mentioned this on the AL’s 100 Eyes show;

    “Ms Homan has an annuity in her contract above and beyond the normal retirement ”

    I’m guessing that is what she is hiding.

  8. If people want pam out, then enough people have to run for, and get on the school board. Then they need to not renew her contract. Considering that there is usually only a 2 or 3 percent voter turnout, that shouldn’t be too hard to do.

  9. I kinda like her as the Super, she is a Gadfly, which I find funny. I mean to come on Knobe’s show and make fun of the Argus? Okay, I kid the Argus, but they are 10x more reputable then Knobe. I mean, it’s local radio. Icky. When I used to work at a DT bar several years ago, we would have KRRO appreciation night. We gave out FREE apps and shit fizzy domestic light beer until it was gone. If the advertisers could have seen the KRRO listeners at these events, I am guessing they would not advertise. As soon as the vittles and beer was gone, so were the appreciators.What a stinky bunch.

  10. That has a lot less to do with the listeners, and a whole lot more to do with the type of people who show up to an event where they expect free food and beer.

    I’m not a huge fan of local radio by any means, but I do listen to it when there is no other legitimate option (80% of the time I’m listening to NPR, but when they play that Prairie Home Companion crap I’m changing stations). The thing is, I’ve never been to one of those events even though I know about them. My friends have never been to one of those events, and honestly I can’t think of a single person I know that has.

    It is just a different type of crowd. Namely cheap asses. The same type of people who will go to any wedding reception provided there is a free keg, but the minute that keg is gone… so are they.

  11. You should start a topic about how horrible local radio is though. I could go on a rant about some of the crap they do.

  12. Pam Holman is an administrator. principals are administrators to. what do you think Holman was before she got the super job. look at the assistant super. Fred Aderhold he retired as a principal got a very good pension from the SDRS then he went back to be a assistance super making $110,000 a year and more back in the retirement fund. teachers are not. go talk to a custodian or a food service worker they will tell you she gets more then what the public thinks. if she didnt she would not hide it. i worked for the district for 15 years as a custodian. i left because of the politics. the school board can hire or fire the super. and Pam should not even be sitting with the school board go work for the sioux falls school district. as a custodian it will open your eyes

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