South DaCola

Super Pam Homan. Elitist Snob?

Looks like I have been trumped again by Pam

First it was her precious horses she could not leave behind.

Then it was rules preventing a couple of sick kids from graduating high school.

Then it was K. Lesnar’s fault an anti-choice ad slipped into an activity guide.

Oh, and who can forget her hiring her daughter to work at SE Tech, ‘Didn’t break any nepotism rules.

Now Pammy is blaming a media source that is not ‘reputable‘ – boy, that has to burn.

Knobe asked whether she’d share the document (contract) with anyone else. “I would have to deem them reputable,” she answered.

Through a spokeswoman, Homan subsequently declined to show it to an Argus Leader reporter.

“You’re not on the list of reputable folks that she was willing to share her personal copy with,” DeeAnn Konrad said.

Yeah, like Knobe is more reputable then the Argus Leader. I about pissed my pants laughing when I read that. When is someone gonna finally put Pam in her place? The school board? That’s laughable. She is the Super of our school district, not Gawd.

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