Yet another person with buyer’s remorse over the appointment of Mike Huether as mayor;

What I do know is that I don’t trust Mike Huether, I don’t believe in Mike Huether. and I will never again vote for Mike Huether.

C’mon people! You act so surprised. Just admit your vote for him was an anti-Staggers vote, not a pro-Huether vote.

By l3wis

10 thoughts on “I do not like green Mike and ham”
  1. I know this is off topic, but I was watching the Land Use Committee meeting, and this redhead hippie chick with long hair came up to speak in support of urban farming (I think she works at Zandbroz) after she quit talking and walked away, committee chair, Rex, said, “Thank You Sir.”

    Even when he shows up to a meeting, he doesn’t even bother to see if he is talking to a man or a woman.


  2. not a huge city defender, but listened to it a few times. She introduced herself as sarah, and I believe he says thanks Sarah not sir.

    Amy intro’d herself as amy and I think he said “think you ahole” when she was done, but I may have misheard

  3. I was going to dress up as the mayor’s ego for Halloween, but the materials for the costume would have run me upwards of $120+ million! Oh, well…

  4. dork – I also found it funny how Tex wanted everyone to follow the 5 minute ‘RULE’ when testifying. He seems to want the public to follow rules, like taking off their hats, but he says ‘fuck it’ to following rules himself, like showing up to meetings. I also found it odd how he talked down to Michelle during the entire meeting, cutting her off at one point and he mispronounces her name when he says it. I think one time he says Erpen’buck’ then the next time he calls her Erpen’Back’. You would think he would know how to pronounce her name by now?

  5. Rolfing is a tool. At yesterday’s Informational Meeting, he chastized Mark Cotter for being blindsided about the proposed railroad switchyard site near Brandon. As Cotter correctly pointed out, they have been talking about that site in Council meetings for a year now.

    Maybe if Tex showed up more often for the meetings he is being paid to attend, and watch on-line when he can’t be there, he would stay up to speed and not make such a fool of himself?

    I hear he has already decided not to seek re-election in 2014 because the job is too time consuming. But why put the taxpayers through two more years of this nonsense? Resign now!

  6. I agree. In fact it would be better if no one was appointed to that seat, just leave it empty until 2014.

  7. Why do we have an even number of City Councillors? An odd number would mean that the mayor would (almost) never have to vote in Council matters, which seems like a good thing to me.

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