5 Thoughts on “NPR’s three part series on foster care in SD

  1. Do you suppose this has anyone shaking in their Ugg boots? The gov and his peeps were worried enough to send out that email….don’t listen to nuttin from NPR.

  2. $50 million in 7 years!!!! And the state tells people they are broke.

  3. Boggles the mind, doesn’t it??!!

  4. It boggles something alright.

  5. Saturday night at Zombie Walk I ran into the main SD Public Radio reporter. She told me the first time she heard National Public Radio was doing a story about social services and the tribes was on my blog. She told me ‘to this day’ she has not heard anything about this story. They never told her they were doing it.

    Wouldn’t they call their affiliates first?

    The funny part about this is that she told me this after I told her an NPR reporter from DC called me asking for leads.

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