South DaCola

Occupy Wall Street has made it to Sioux Falls

This is positive news. I was asked about this the other day, and if I would get involved. Doesn’t matter who you are, we are being duked over every single day by the super rich in this country.

Of course the plugs over at Dakota Wuss College defend the super rich bloodletting;

One of a guy wearing a t-shirt with explicit language cracked me up, but I chose not to post it on the SDWC. Other photos are just offensive and disrespectful.

You wanna know what is OFFENSIVE AND DISRESPECTFUL? That ignorant, right-wingers like yourself would defend the 1% who are raping the other 99% of Americans daily. We know very well that you don’t belong to that 1%, so why would you defend them? Because, you are an buttkissing weasel that has a dream that your ego may fit in the same room with these people some day. Keep dreaming while you eat their turd sandwiches.

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