Keep raising that money,

The campaign group behind a new events center raised more than $153,000 in the past month, and Build It Now’s campaign manager said its efforts will intensify next week.

“The past three weeks have been a blur,” Mike Knuth said. “We are knee-deep right now in cutting commercials.

Well, he is right on one thing, we are knee-deep in something, but it isn’t commercials. People in Sioux Falls pay attention to prudence, especially in this economy. And I know Mayor Huether likes to use that word to sell his policies, but it seems the only one’s buying are the ones that can afford to influence the vote;

First Premier Bank contributed $50,000, while Sanford Health matched that amount. First National Bank donated $20,000. The largest donation from an individual came from Dana Dykhouse, the president and CEO of First Premier Bank.

So basically Denny Sanford has money to spend on marketing this boondoggle, just no money to dedicate to the building once it is built. And what does it mean when hospitals are donating money to entertainment facilities? Doesn’t healthcare cost enough already? And lastly, Dana Dykhouse’s donation cracks me up. Dana had plenty of opportunities in the last task force to bring his opinion to the table, but hardly even showed up, but when he did, he pouted and took his ball and went home. So I see Dana is taking the safe approach this time and just cutting a check and letting the professionals handle the ‘Vision’ campaign.

9 Thoughts on “Prudence sends its own message

  1. I think it will be interesting to see the STARK difference between the amount of campaign funds raised by the opposition versus what donations ‘Build It Now’ amasses.

    The $153,000 that ‘Build It Now’ has raised in just the past 30 days tells me that this is NOT a grassroots campaign as they would like citizens to believe.

    I think that some of the public is not aware that the reporting of ALL campaign donations by both sides is NOT a choice, it is required by law.

    Scott, would you put information on your website telling the public how to access a list of both sides campaign donations. I think that voters will be interested in “who” gave “what” to “whom”!!!!

    ****I cannot wait to see the postmortem on this election*********

  2. Cartman on October 6, 2011 at 11:09 am said:

    Here is the link to find the BIN fundraising disclosure statement:

    HOWEVER, the last monthly disclosure posted on happened on 9/6/11. Apparently, without a full-time City Clerk, it takes a little longer now to get important info out to the good people of Sioux Falls!

    Interesting to point out, too, that Sanford is behind another marketing campaign to get taxpayers to pay an additional one cent sales tax to assist Medicare in paying Sanford’s bills. Will this madness never stop??

  3. Hammerhead on October 6, 2011 at 12:04 pm said:

    Is there any information out there as to how much this thing is going to cost? I mean the total cost, which would include infrastructre improvements and financing. I do not buy vehicles very often but when I do, I like to know how much it is going to cost for the duration of the loan and how much my insurance is going to go up each month with a newer vehicle. Or is this information something that Mike and the media do not want out there.

  4. Scumbag Steve on October 6, 2011 at 12:25 pm said:

    Welcome to the First Premiere Bank Center!!!

  5. Scumbag Steve on October 6, 2011 at 12:27 pm said:

    Dana took his ball and went home because nobody wanted to listen to his ludicrious ideas about putting a fackin dome over everything.

  6. Scumbag Steve on October 6, 2011 at 12:35 pm said:

    Wow, these guys raked in a 150,000 in the last month??!?! That’s so impressive guys. To bad that 130,000 of it came from 3 companies. Minus that first campaign report of around 10,000.. that means they raised about 10,000 from everyone else… and that’s not really much to brag about. If it wasnt for the TDenny cliq, this campaign would have zero momentum.

  7. I think this commenter on the AL forum says it best;

    John Thorton

    If the events center was economically viable, private businesses would have already built one.

    How can tax payers afford the events center when essential services are threatened, and taxes will be increased?
    Which is a higher priority? Schools, police and fire protection, roads, sewer systems, schools, or entertainment venues?

    ”Minnehaha County deputies will ask a judge to reverse a proposed 5 percent cut in their paychecks, a move that could lead to higher taxes for property owners.”

    No money for police to clean up meth labs

    Budget problems

    The sewer system is inadequate Yet our leaders are still pushing for an enormously expensive tax payer funded events center.

    “Base pay for new Sioux Falls teachers will fall almost 5 percent next year as a reduction in state funding hits less-experienced teachers the hardest.”

    Essential services are lacking and our leaders are still pushing for lavish spending on extras.

    How much will be cut in essential services to fund the events center?


    We were told the Pavilion would pay for itself also. Has that happened?

    Taxpayers can not AFFORD the EVENTS CENTER.

  8. Hammerhead……………

    I have requested from the Mayor an updated version of the EC amortization schedule.

    He responded this morning by saying that Tracy Turbeck (Director/Finance) is working on it.

    Currently the only version is on under the August 24th City Council work session (#3 on the agenda under Update from David Bixler). This version is outdated and inaccurate.

    I have also asked the Mayor to publicize that the updated amortization schedule is available on the city’s website.

    He will be presenting the October EC Update at the 4:00 City Council Informational meeting next Tuesday. If the updated version is not available at that time…….I will be asking again!

    I am a firm believer that voters need to understand the true cost of this project BEFORE they cast their votes.

    The amortization schedule will show that the ultimate cost of the EC is $190m+…………….

    ***This number does not include any improvements that may be needed outside the parameters of the (Arena/Convention Center/baseball stadium/Howard Wood Field ) SITE. (with the exception being the new parking lot at McCart Field)

  9. Poly43 on October 6, 2011 at 10:48 pm said:

    ***This number does not include any improvements that may be needed outside the parameters of the (Arena/Convention Center/baseball stadium/Howard Wood Field ) SITE. (with the exception being the new parking lot at McCart Field)

    Nor does it include the $10,000,000 needed to purchase the $115,000,000 bond.

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