Turn up the volume


By l3wis

5 thoughts on “Q & A from councilor Brown and Jamison’s press conference”
  1. (paraphrasing) “If someone is making you feel bad or not progressive about voting NO, consider the source.” -Jamison.

    He nailed it!

  2. He nailed it!

    You got that right. I get the feeling Greg and Vernon are in early campaign mode. They sense this guy can be had. Vernon to me has shown a capacity to be for something that he recently was against. On more than just this issue. Greg on the other hand. I’m liking more and more what he says and thinks…..now if he could just get Beth in more of his photo ops.

  3. Well, I partially agree. Vernon is done next Spring (termed out) with city government anyway. Rumor has it that Staggers will run for that seat. As for Greg, I think he is still ‘considering’ running for mayor, but that is about it. To be honest with you, I think they both were just tired of the Dog and Pony show and had to say something before the vote. I think it is also funny that Mike pulled out his whipping boy, Entenmen to challenge these other councilors. Where is Tex Golfing?

    “now if he could just get Beth in more of his photo ops.”

    No kidding? Huh? Have you ever met her in person? WOW! I think I embarrassed Greg once about Beth. We were out for a drink, I think like a year ago, and I told him his wife was very beautiful, and he got a little rosy.

  4. You can bet that if Greg became Mayor he wouldn’t need to invent a pet project for his wife to run and then move it up the priority list so he can move back off the couch like a certain occupant of City Hall these days.

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