More misleading information by the proponents of the new Events Center. They use Nicki Ellerbroek and her family to mislead you into believing that small business owners support a new Events Center.

Before I get into that hypocrisy, I first want to point out to Stormland TV that if their newbie reporters have trouble catching this stuff, at least the editors should . . .

Back to the story . . . Nicki owns McNally’s Pub, something her father, Bob Correa started. I like McNally’s, and anytime I find myself lost on that side of town, I stop in for a Guinness and some lamb. But what most people don’t know is that her father is the owner of Music Service, which was instrumental in the Video Lottery machine industry in SD. Nicki may be a small business owner – but her papa is not.

I like Bob though, he used to be one of my freelance clients, and he is a straight shooter. That is why this whole marketing campaign of misconception bothers me.

Can’t we sell this honestly? I guess that would be like asking people to sell a sub-prime credit card with 19% interest honestly.

No takers?!

By l3wis

33 thoughts on “Small business owners support the Events Center? The key word here is ‘small’”
  1. 19%? It was more like 34.99% with fees, until some real
    Democrats changed the rules so that pseudo subprime Democrats could not charge that much anymore.

  2. Yeah, but if they would’ve built Target center next to it they’d have sooooo many conventions they’d have to turn ’em away! That Nikki is cute though. She kind of has that Kristi Noem thing going, which is probably why she is on the commercial.

  3. Ssssssssshe remindsss me of the Baraness, I love her face. I WONDER if she would join Cobra, we love Irish music (except Destro, he plays the clarinet, such a pussy). We don’t have an event center but I have built a terror dome using private money. Even Cobra knows shit when we smell it…….

  4. I sure hope citizens recognize the propaganda coming from the mayors office. It’s to bad us tech types can’t block this and channel 16 with a focused interfering signal. There’d be plenty of funding for an EC if taxpayers didn’t have to pay for advertised lies.

  5. Corn – Good catch. When McNally’s originally opened it was owned by Bob and other investors. I just assumed he sold or ‘gave’ his ownership to his daughter since, I believe, she has been the GM since it’s inception.

    scott – Nicki was chosen because she was the only one in the BIN group that they could pass off as a kinda-sorta joe-six pack.

  6. I don’t think there is anything wrong with Nicki owning this business with her father. BUT, to for KELO to make the assumption that her father is a small business owner, is laughable at best.

  7. Glad to see the Sioux Falls Sports Authority choose the most humble “small” business owners to show us what our peers are thinking. I see this Correa family vacations here; This is nice but not the character of a small business owner looking out for the future via Basketball Jones.

    This is getting more suspicious all the time. If I was the crook trying to get this built I would have at least thought outside the box and used a small business ‘not’ connected with the Harley City Council/Parking lot land for sale gang.

  8. I don’t have a horse in this race as I haven’t lived in the area for over 20 years (although I get home as often as I can) and I don’t have a definitive opinion on the tactics and strategies of for the pro/anti campaigns (again, I’m 400 miles away) but I’ll share my OPINION in the hopes that whatever the outcome (my GUESS IS that it’ll be a nail-biter on November 8th). Whatever the outcome, I hope the community can manage to heal — it’s the only real way Sioux Falls can move forward. If it fails, the community needs to take a collective deep breath and decide what to do. If it passes — and it might — I honestly believe, based on an equally, if not more controversial campaign for an events in Grand Forks (in the aftermath of a devasting flood, no less), that after a period of time, it’s nearly impossible to find anyone who’s against the events center here.

    Just my two cents worth. Good luck, Sioux Falls.

  9. 13wis – Great “family” picture from the McNally’s ribbon cutting, complete with Uncle MMM! Can’t believe Diamond Jim missed that photo op.

    Let’s see … McNally’s opened in 2005. Ribbon cutting pic includes MMM, elected in 2010. It took a long while, but nice to see the Correa’s finally joined the Chamber clique. Strength in numbers, you know.

  10. Took a look at the ribbon-cutting picture… I actually said out loud, “Wow, Huether is one (bleep)ing dirty man!”

    That caught my wife’s attention and I ended up having to explain to her about Huether being an idiot. After a few minutes I gave up and told her if she wants to be in the loop, she will have to bookmark your site… She just did.

    Keep up the good job, in my opinion you are the sanest blogger I read regularly.

    (I may be bit off the topic at the end of this comment, but I just wanted to express it.)

  11. I’ve read or listened to nearly all of huethers interviews and indoctrination sessions concerning an EC. In ALL when asked about existing attendance and a entertainment industry that is hurting, the good mayor has a pat answer. He tells us it is not about entertainment and sports alone, but more about flat floor space and attracting conventions. I know you read this mister mayor. In view of Jennifers latest blog post, how do you respond to articles like this?

    Answer: YOU CAN’T. You are perfectly willing to bankrupt this city by buying into a pipedream with a line of credit. Based on your work life experiences I’d say you got no problem with that scenario. You can paint the stripes on a zebra mr. mayor, but it’s STILL A ZEBRA.

  12. Why would you paint the stripes on a zebra? It already has stripes.

    You can paint THE stripes on a zebra (to look like a horse), but it is still a zebra.

    Scott H. I know what yer saying. You have pinned him down about entertainment acts in general, and he keeps coming back with FLOOR SPACE. I am of the belief, held by many, that as long as we have an economy that loses 400 points in the Dow one day, and gains 200 the next day, my entertainment money is staying close to the vest. The Minneapolis Convention Center is a good example of people tightening the screws.

    But not mayor mike. Full steam ahead. Damn the torpedos.

  13. I wish Mike would be honest and say – “Well it’s not the best arena plan but it’s “good enough” for Sooks Falls.”

    That plan is incomplete. Parking spaces missing, Meeting halls being removed, There’s arena floor space for the convention center but most good convention centers have a basement level exhibit hall too. I would have thought the hotel part would have been promoted and drawn before this vote. No mention (I could be wrong here) about what to do with the old arena after the new one is complete? Perhaps more convention center space, parking garage and or Hotel #2 and last the strange conflict of interest stuff between the city and Eugene Levy’s twin.

    I wonder why they didn’t choose HDR architects out of Omaha & Denver as they clearly are the leader in this type of architectural planning and engineering. Kiewit makes a whole lot better sense than the firms they picked. I should send these presentations to the people I know at those firms for their thoughts on the total cost.

  14. I get the CC argument, but it looks like swiss cheese once you evaluate our airport, lack of hotel space and our shitty climate.

  15. If it is all about the CC aspect of the building, then why are all the commercials bragging about the supposed big name concerts we’ll attract with it?

  16. As Mike has said in a couple of interviews about BIN, “You’ll have to ask them.”

    Like he doesn’t strategize with them 🙂

    I guarantee he is on the horn with Sullivan 10x a day.

  17. I had a call tonight from a real live person instead of an automated one wanting to discuss the event center(I didn’t bother listening), the guy asked something like had I heard about it and I replied yes, and had already voted no on it. He said “OK” and hung up.

  18. I’ve had two of those calls so far. I think they are sweat’in about it. The name on the caller ID is Leslie Rosedahl 1-605-533-1497. I called the # back and the voice mail says “Build it Now – Thanks for calling and please leave a message”..

  19. Maybe BIN should have given their volunteers a little “refresher” on customer service techniques……

    When I mentioned that I have been out in the community working for two years to defeat this…….

    the tone suddenly went from “scripted” to “rude”!!!!!

  20. I’m sure BIN has them in a dungeon at the old courthouse museum telling them there must be results or you will receive a good flogging.

  21. Someone should ask this Nicki Ellerbroek if she would be willing to put up the same value of her business into the EC hedging on its profitability? My guess would be no.

  22. Ask her dad who put up the risk of VL casinos being robbed? Certainly not the casino owners. Taxpayers have to pay to have to have theives captured and prosecuted because the state refuses to pass laws requiring casino owners to use a portion of their profits to fortify their shithole casinos. Lottery ticket ATM’s would end most robberies and that expense could be but on the backs of the casino owner.

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