I see in the city council meeting this coming Monday there is some questionable appointments;
I applied to be on this committee, and I knew in my heart of hearts I would be rejected, because I am not a lawyer or connected, but I thought at least I would receive a letter of objection. Nope, nothing, zilch. But the same old hats are running the same old show.
Expect no changes. Nothing.
It’s their loss.
De Knudson? C’mon!
Everyone needs to watch this… there’s so much gold here. I bet 10 blogs could be made on all the stuff in this one interview alone…
My favorite part was where the mayor said that the sports teams wouldnt be the no1 tennant at the new entertainment complex… but it would be conventions and trade shows!! Is this doofus for real?? If that’s the case build a $10mill adition to the conv center and save us all $170mill. what an idiot!!
Other good stuff.. he almost cried again… he says dacola is attcking his family… he’s taking a vaction right after the vote… and then if it loses he’ll get it ready for 2012… there’s so much more I couldnt possibly remember all of it.n GO WATCH!!
This is where MMM gets all his material:
As for family, 13wis, you have nothing to apologize for (btw, did he even bring it up during your interview a couple weeks back?). MMM’s wife (as ED of the tennis association) gets four free mentions a day on Channel 16, and you might recall their daughter pleaded to the city council to choose the arena site (which her dad ultimately did in the tie-breaker vote). Clearly, they don’t understand the definition for conflicts of interest.
He’s taking a vacation? I bet the department heads are taking up a collection right now!
I hope the charter revision commission takes a serious stance on citizen due process. It’d be nice to live in a democracy and enjoy constitutional rights afforded US citizens. Heil Huether.
I also hope that one of their top priorities is to look at the attendance policy (Section 2.3 of the City Charter) for the City Council.
Councilor Rolfing has not attended a 7:00 Council meeting since September 6, 2011!!
He has been absent from three consecutive 7:00 Council meetings and according to the City Charter this is ACCEPTABLE!!!!
Is there something wrong with this picture……….
How as an at-large Councilor do you represent your constituents if you are not present at the meetings where some of the most important business of the our City is conducted!!??
This IS a part-time position………..
BUT, I don’t think that when you signed up for the job, that being away for a month at a time for business travel was part of your campaign pledge to the citizens of this community!!
SS – I know, I saw that. And you are right, never brought this up during our interview OR after the interview. Even though I think Stu is a tool, I will commend him on changing the subject quickly.
Charter Sec. 2.06 (c) Forfeiture of office. The mayor or a council member shall forfeit that office if the mayor or council member[:]
(1) Lacks at any time during the term of office for which elected any qualification for the office prescribed by this charter or by law,
(2) Violates any expressed prohibition in section 7.02 of this charter,
(3) Fails to maintain residency within city limits, or in the case of council members elected by district, fails to maintain residency within that district; however, any council member may complete their elected term of office if residency outside their district is caused during their term of office by a district adjustment pursuant to Section 6.02.
(4) Is convicted of a felony, or
(5) Fails to attend 50% of the regular monthly meetings of the council during a fiscal year, or three consecutive regular monthly meetings of the council, without being excused by the council.
Question for Debra O or Sue Raust, has the Council excused T-Rex?
LB – The problem here is what is considered ‘Excused’? That could be most anything. I will say this, other council members have taken notice and will be talking to Tex Golfing about the matter.
An excuse would mean FORMALLY excused, as in having submitted a written request to be excused, and having been granted that excuse as part of a regular action DURING the meeting – recorded somewhere in the minutes.
I caught that too on the money maker part being the convention center expansion. I would be more than willing to lead a campaign for the proper expansion of that. I work trade shows for a living so I know the importance of that. And yes, you could do a whole lot with less than 15 million and yet attract the hotels and sponsorship for that one.
Ruf – Interesting. There has been rumblings about an ethics complaint. I wouldn’t file it though, I prefer Rex doesn’t vote, so his absence doesn’t bother me.