South DaCola

Where are the records for Shawn Tornow’s dismissal?

I am still trying to figure out this mystery. I took another look at the civil service board’s agendas/minutes. I could find NO record of Shawn’s resignation or dismissal. Mind you, there is plenty of executive sessions, but I find it odd his name is not listed anywhere.

If you look at the minutes/agendas for 9/20/2010, 11/3/2010 and 1/5/2011 you can come up with some assumptions.

In the 9/20/2010 minutes/agenda there is no advertising listing for an assistant city attorney, but in the 11/3/2010 minutes/agenda there is.

Then in the 1/5/2011 minutes agenda there is a new hire

That would tell me that Tornow left sometime between 9/20/2010 & 11/3/2010. But there is no record of it.

So the question remains. Has he received his civil service hearing or not? Mr. Bengford replaced SOMEONE? Did he replace Tornow?

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