Curtains, curtains, curtains are a critically important part of the planned $183.7 million (interest included) events center that the voters of Sioux Falls will be voting on November 8th.  When people look at the architect’s pictures of the 12,000-seat events center (with possible expansion to 15,000 seats in the future), the pictures show the escalators, plush suites, and crowds of people.  Conspicuously absent from these public-relations pictures are the curtains.  Curtains are crucial for the planned events center because the consultants’ report reveals that the events center will be empty much of the time, even when events are actually taking place inside the facility.  For example, it is projected that attendance at professional sporting events will average between 3,000 and 4,000 people, thereby leaving around 67% to 75% of the facility sitting empty during a sporting event.  To cover up the embarrassment of having low attendance, curtains will be used to hide the empty seats.

Hiding empty seats with curtains is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of not providing all the information that is needed to allow voters to make an informed decision on the events center.  For example, not one Sioux Falls professional or amateur sports team has committed to being a tenant for the planned events center.  Only the Sioux Falls Convention and Visitors Bureau has indicated that they would be a tenant so as to gain access to 30,000 square feet of flat floor space.  They do not need the 12,000 seats.  Furthermore, the citizens of Sioux Falls have not received an explanation as to why the mayor failed in carrying out his promise to raise $20+ million from the business community in order to build the facility.  Also, voters have not been told that ticket buyers will not be paying one penny for the construction of the entertainment complex because taxpayers will be footing 100% of the cost, including those Sioux Falls residents who will never set foot in the facility.  And finally, why have the citizens not been informed that the projected 184 permanent jobs will cost $1 million per job?

In the midst of this Great Recession, the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, the city wants taxpayers to take on a debt burden of $183.7 million to build a new facility that can not be filled, while at the same time the city will be keeping the current Arena that can not be filled.  Wisdom would dictate refurbishing the Arena for a fraction of the cost of an events center, and then building an events center when the city finally outgrows the Arena.  Please vote “no” on November 8th for a better Sioux Falls!

(Disclosure: This letter was scheduled to print in the Argus Leader, but never made it (yet). Ayn is the daughter of Dr. Kermit Staggers)

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Guest Post: Ayn Bird – Events Center Curtains”
  1. When the corruption is exposed it will be curtains for Huether. Can’t wait to watch that perp walk over & over on CNN. You’ll never see it on local TV or read about it in the Argus.

  2. If this thing fails, I think there will be a pink slip walk from Huether’s office for several days.

  3. You know, Ayn was Kermit’s campaign manager, very bright person. We should have an Events Center hoe-down after Tuesday, no matter which way it goes. Maybe Hildy, Sy and Traub will finally show up?

  4. King of Swamp Castle: “One day, lad, all this will be yours. ”
    Prince Herbert: “What, the curtains?”
    King of Swamp Castle: “No, not the curtains!”

    Monty Python’s Quest for the Holy Grail

  5. We also haven’t been told how many of those permanent jobs will be full time and pay a living wage.

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